[ANNOUNCEMENT] Rule Changes! (December 30th, 2020)
4 years ago
Colorado, USA

Hello everyone!

Lots of things have been happening on these leaderboards over these past couple months, so it's probably time we left an update.

The changes we are about to list are for all non-miscellaneous categories. We'll touch on All Minigames later.

First, the start time of runs has been changed to the beginning of the "12:00 AM: 1ST NIGHT" screen, from pressing "NEW GAME". This was because, a.) It's much easier to verify, and b.) Runs can now start on pressing "continue". The latter reason was mostly because of common practice in Any% Good Ending, where the majority of people just pressed "Continue" instead of "New Game" or using newspaper skip. Instead of just punishing the players who broke these rules, we decided to just change the rule globally to match. To supplement this, we've added another rule: Runs must be started from a fresh save-file (Older runs that did not abuse this rule are not effected.). Now we have the best of both worlds, having a fresh save file, as well as new, interesting time-saves!

Another global, but less impactful, change was the end-time for mobile runs. They are now synchronized with the PC end-times. This may cause issues on legacy mobile runs, but that requires more testing.

The above changes effect Any% Bad Ending, Any% Good Ending, 3-Star and 100%.

Next, we'd like to make a clarification for runs that require getting the "Good Ending": The "Happiest Day" minigame IS a requirement. The reason that people were getting the Good Ending without completing Happiest Day was due to an oversight regarding save files. Runs on the boards that do NOT include the minigame will either be removed from the boards or retimed (Most likely the former.).

The above changes effect Any% Good Ending, 3-Star and 100%.

All Minigames also received some updates recently. The first is only to make it clear that any save file can be used in this category, not just a new or fresh one. "May be started from any save file." A simple change, but an important one nonetheless.

We've also decided to reword the start and end times for All Minigames. The run will start on the first frame that you enter ANY minigame (As in, the first frame where you leave the extras menu and enter the minigame), and the run will end on the first frame that you FINISH the last minigame in your rotation (As in, the first frame you touch a door OR give a cake to a child). This change was actually implemented a long time ago, but wasn't properly announced or updated until today.

Happy running, everyone! If you have any questions regarding these changes, please ask on the Discord, or leave a comment here.

~The FSS Moderation Team

Shiinyu, Azure_Mirage, i Hako podobało się to
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