6 years ago

MSQ solo/coop has been added.(SB will not accept any runs until the MSQ is finished) (If you think any rules should be changed/added/removed please post in the suggestion thread).

Moved Full party/Full Raid to Level leaderboard.

Edytowane przez autor 6 years ago
MarlonH8 to się podoba

Added all Deltascape/Sigmascape/Alphascape normal and savage. Added all turns for the Binding/Second/Final Coil of Bahamut normal and savage(Second coil). Added all Alexander: Gordias/Midas/Creator normal and savage.

Shadowbringers update: Every dungeons/raids/trials will get added during the early access period.(this may be delayed depending on the servers stability during that period)

Dusk-Argentum, donne, i awsmPhil podobało się to

Castrum Meridium and Praetorium runs that used cutscenes skip have been moved here: https://www.speedrun.com/ffxiv/full_game#Archived_Runs

ARR MSQ runs will also be moved before the 5.3 release next week.

Devon, England

New Leaderboard Notes!!

Synced and Synced Coop have been merged into just "Synced"

"Synced Coop" has been renamed to "Unsync Duo"

Cape Westwind Removed

Porta Decumana Added

Omega Sigmascape (Full Run)

Added Omega Alphascape (Full Run)

Added Omega Deltascape (Full Run)

Added Edens Gate (Full Run)

Added Edens Verse (Full Run) Added

Edens Promise (Full Run) Added

Asphodelos (Full Run) Added

Abyssos (Full Run) Added

Abyssos 1-4 Added

Abyssos 1-4 Savage Added

Anabaseios (Full Run) Added

Anabaseios 1-4 Added

Anabaseios 1-4 Savage Added

Baldesion Arsenal Added

The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate) Added

Castrum Lacus Litore Added

Delubrum Reginae Added

Delubrum Reginae (Savage) Added

Dalraida Added

Dragonsong Reprise (Ultimate) Added

The Omega Protocol (Ultimate) Added

Sil'dihn Subterrane Added

Another Sil'dihn Subterrane Added

Another Sil'dihn Subterrane (Savage) Added

Mount Rokkon Added

Another Mount Rokkon Added

Another Mount Rokkon (Savage) Added

Aloalo Island Added

Another Aloalo Island Added

Another Aloalo Island (Savage) Added

For more updates and to get involved in the community join our discord! https://discord.gg/MhGQq5w

Devon, England

Another Update for you all, First things first keep up the amazing runs!!

Over on our Discord RIGHT NOW ( https://discord.gg/MhGQq5w ) We have two important polls in the #polls channel;

First is, Should we Merge the MSQ boards into one singular board with unified rules or keep them separate and disallow breaks in SS

Second is, Should we create a MSQ (Unrestricted) Category with relaxed rules, this will mainly focus on allowing things like fc buffs, xp earrings etc with its own ruleset that is relaxed

Please if you are not yet in the discord please join and cast your votes, the poll lasts 24 hours from now!


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