Hello everyone,
We recently conducted a community-wide vote to decide on potential changes to our administration system, aiming to balance admin efficiency with meaningful community involvement. Here's a simplified summary of the results and how these changes will work going forward:
The community voted for the Representative System with Community Input (Option 1).
- Admin Decision-Making:
- Admins handle minor and most major decisions with a 75% majority vote.
- For major decisions, the community will be informed, and feedback will be gathered.
- Community Votes:
- If admins are deadlocked or believe a vote is necessary, a community vote will be triggered.
- Admins can approve community-voted decisions with a simple majority (lower than the usual 75% threshold).
The community voted for Option 2: Supermajority Vote of No Confidence.
- Triggering a Vote:
- Any community member can propose a "Vote of No Confidence" via a designated bot command.
- 10 reactions are required within 3 days to initiate the process.
- Voting and Results:
- The vote lasts for 3 days.
- To dismiss the admin team, the vote must pass with a two-thirds majority.
- If passed, reelections are triggered for a new admin team.
The community decided to maintain the current system (Option A: Rely on Existing Tools).
- Community proposals will be reviewed by the admin team. If rejected:
- The proposal can be revisited through existing mechanisms, like the Vote of No Confidence or regular elections.
- No new systems, like forced binding votes, will be added.
Full Details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yp402ssWkVx5d-Oxe4OD7DGq4n2eEUtt/view?usp=sharing
We're excited to announce that the Factorio: Space Age DLC has been added to Speedrun.com.
You can find the leaderboards and all the related info on its