Imo it should be nice you get that information. Because game were patches, some majors glitches are not anymore avaible and some are doable it's kinda different. Also i assume Neoslash don't want a proper new category but more likely a version/patch information. This doesn't make obsolete wr, nor make new one. But clarrify between runners who want play it steam version.
Best regards.
It's a fair point but it's not like the fastest version isn't available to everyone. It's listed on the resources page.
It's different in a better or slower way? Is there anything you can't do in the earlier patch?
Also, not every run has the version number shown in the video and I'm not willing to gather that information with each runner.
its differant current patch is easy mode and old patch is normal mode, look the differance before cherry for example. you have turbo glitch on current patch: just hold X and space at same time. and all the old glitch no work: in jatai donjon, on the mine, and john snow. so yeah same game but a lot of differance.
i just want to add new column like igt nobody see in game time but can write the number of version a lot of game add this column for viewer can see difference versus versions
Thanks for explaining that makes more sense now.
Can you create a thread with the differences? I'll use it to write the rules and differences between versions.