New Category Discovered! Doom GBA Infinity mode
6 years ago
Michigan, USA

Something crazy has been figured out! If you play the game to level 23, the last level, and use the cheat code to advance one level... You go to the secret level in episode 1. Completing the secret level, will put you back at level 4, and you can play the entire game over again!

I'm dubbing this Category 'Infinity', as you could make the game go on forever! I've finished any% 5 times thus far, but would be down to try NM soon also with 5 times.

Right now the decision is where to place the category?

I would like to add it here, but the board is being filled up. If this happend, it would likely become a 5th tab on the top, and only allow for the current settings (Any%, Any% No oob, NM, NM No oob, God%) along with a number of attempts (5 times, 10 times, 20 times). If anyone attempted a specific ammount (3 times, 50 times, 100 times) It could be added later.

Example of how this would look

I could add it to Console Doom Category Extensions, but I'm not entirely sure its possible on other ports as of now... so it wouldn't make sense to keep it on a board that bridge's so many different versions.

Or we just create a new board specifically for it. This could take more time, but would clear space on the previously mentioned boards.

I really like some input on this from some peeps, either here or in the discord. If everyone is cool with it, I will likely add a 5th tab here in a week or so... Ciao :)

Rules: Complete the Initial 23 levels of the game. In the final Level, DIS, acquire the yellow key, and open the yellow door. When the Final Objective (Yellow Door) is finished, input the 'Warp 1 level' Code. A, B, A, A, B, B, B, A Play the game over (Certain amount) Times using these rules with DIS every time. On the final play through, Exit Dis the traditional way. Level Warp is only allowed when the yellow door on DIS (Level 23) has begun to open. No other codes are allowed.

Edytowane przez autor 6 years ago
New York City, NY, USA

hmm... what if i go get a gba to try to get behind the wall your talking about

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