We need a new route and a new guide
4 years ago

2020 was very successful for Digimon World 2 with the two new route guides, but it isn't quite good enough. The two routes create a split in the game, and the better route has a guide that is far more vague. In 2021, we should all collaborate on one definitive guide. This does not have to be MY route. It's EVERYONE's route. In addition, the guide should be even more thorough with Bit costs for everything, exact locations in shopping menus, amount of bits you should have at that exact point, triggers for progression with specific instructions, and even detailed battle strategies. Here are some of my initial ideas:

Combine the best parts of the two routes that currently exist.

-An early part of the game will have two DarkTyrannomons and a MetalGreymon for a multi-targeting attack and an Interrupt, as well as them being powerful

-Ending party would have multiple benefits, such as an Okuwamon, a Whamon, and an Andromon. Both the benefits of reducing enemies' Attack and Defense, plus healing

-Extra money gaining/saving techniques to get as many Upgrades for the Digi-Beetle as early as possible (such as the Turtle-BAT)

-Best enemies to grind on for both money and exp in each part (ClearAgumon and Piddomon in SCSI Domain where you get Yanmamon are great for example)

-Techniques to waste as little EP as possible especially in the early game, even finding cues to immediately tell where to go

-Possibly even cutting out major upgrades by the end if they are too expensive

These are just suggestions. It is a work in progress and anyone can feel free to contribute!


I don't know if it helps, but I never bought a bug zapper in my run. I think there's only 1 unavoidable bug nest in the game - the one in one of the later domains on File Island. I'm pretty sure this nest needs a bit of luck to successfully clear anyway!

Connecticut, USA

Quite frankly. If the route isn't good enough for you, perform a better one.

You seem to want a guide that treats this game as a game that has no variation to it. Every run I (or anyone else I'd imagine) do of this game is not meticulously routed out as far as money or exp goes because it can't be. We take what the game gives us and make the best decisions we feel we can for that circumstance.

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago
MrMonsh, Remy_rm, i Hdot12 podobało się to

So I did some playtesting on the new route ideas. Both were nothing special, if not outright unsuccessful.

The first one was two DarkTyrannomons in the first two Coliseums. Seems like a winning combination, having both Fire Blast and Horn Buster. Unfortunately, it's less than the sum of its parts. In the Raremon battle, you need to use the single attacks, making the fight slow. And if you use Fire Blasts, it's likely that you will use them first and get Confused. Not worth it.

The second experiment was entering Web Domain with only two Digimon and using Skateboards and a Toy Plane to capture both Kunemon and Syakomon and beat the boss. Theoretically possible, but most likely slower. The kind of thing that only works in a TAS. The battles DRAG with only two Digimon against a team of three. Against one, having only two isn't so bad, but three? You need to chip away at them bit by bit, especially if you need to finish off a specific one last. Plus other battles prior to the Captures are also slower. Not worth it.

By all means experiment and fail faster. Especially if you can't do runs that often, it's always good to try out plenty of different things. At least find out what it is you should prioritize in a team; that should help make things easier.

Connecticut, USA

Entering web domain(1) with 2 betamon and 8skateboards is something I had considered in the past, but I ultimately decided against it because of a couple reasons. The first is that getting demidevimon out of my party requires luck. You need demidevimon to get KO'd during the centarumon fight in BIOS. The second (and more important) reason is because getting both and completing the domain in one shot would over-level your betamon such that they won't learn fire blast upon evolving. If you were to evolve the two betamon before even entering web domain you'd have wasted too much time doing so, as it takes too much time to get them to level 11 beforehand.. hence the two trips to web.

I obviously wouldn't use a toy plane here as it'd be a waste of a toy plane. I need them both later in the run for much more difficult captures.

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago

ZChaotix is currently working on a new route. He is on BIOS Domain. Glad to see it, and started a new Guide. Feedback pls!

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