Weryfikacja odrzucona
Ta gra wymaga weryfikacji rekordów i moderator odrzucił ten rekord.
Powód: This was a solid run, unfortunately yo left the game which effects the RNG and invalidates the run. I will copy the rules below. Sorry again, but please keep running!
((This is VR edition)) Measure in real time. Time starts when 1st floor door is landed on, and stops when key fully enters the lock after completing the adventure. Please use the latest version. Runs before 8/9/2021 will not be accepted (8/9/21 patch changed RNG and other mechanics of game play).
For multi player runs, all players must stay connected to the run for its entire duration. If anyone becomes disconnected or leaves the game, the run will be disqualified.
All players must be using the VR version of the game. No PC players as the game interaction mechanics work differently and can not be comparably timed.
2P1C in 21m 30s by
Demeo Speedrun, Rat King, 2 players, 2 characters. shanhallwriter & Risque1 21:30
Tablica wyników
The Realm of the Rat King
21m 30s
New Organizational Update
Having every run as a "full game" run was just becoming a confusing mess. All the adventures are now individualy labeled in the "Individual Levels" section. This is a way neater way to organize the runs. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks everyone, and keep up the great runs!
Najnowsze przebiegi
Poziom: Curse of the Serpent Lord
Poziom: The Realm of the Rat King
Poziom: The Black Sarcophagus
Poziom: Roots of Evil
Poziom: Reign of Madness