This one's not nearly as broken as the elevator wall clip that's banned in glitchless, and it's not so much a wall you're going through as a small gap. Ban it, allow it, thoughts? This may actually be useful in 100% anyways as a way to climb this area fast for the log up there.
On a semi-related note, I think it might be possible to activate the tower above the floor 2 spark path with a well-angled shot from outside (might need to be around the floor 2 spark path for the angle). Haven't managed to do it yet though... need to test more.
I'll post it here for clarity, as I said on your stream, despite being able to see through it, you cannot get through that small of a gap through ordinary means without using the wallclip technique, so it's counted as a wallclip.
The argument that "We don't know how large the player body might be" is null since we have to assume the hitbox of the player [regardless of model size] is large enough that it cannot get through that small of a gap normally.
As a result, I'm of the opinion that this [and any other similar wallclips] are disallowed in glitchless/superjump only runs. If we allow a gap this large, how large of a gap do we allow? How small of a gap is disallowed? We also run into the problem that many of the surfaces in this game can be seen through at the corners if it's next to another surface.
TL;DR - If you can't walk through it via normal means, but can dash through it, its a wallclip.