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Any% in 40m 30s by
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No softlocks this time. Yay.
Good: Black Night was pretty amazing, Dahlia Valley was interesting. Second Bee Skip. Iris present and Anemone Beach were all pretty dang good too. Liked it.
Bad: Heaven was a train wreck though. Camellia was bad movement. Puppeteer was bad luck too.
I'm actually happy with a run. Bar Heaven. I'm Christian but God really hated me.
I local recorded so if the quality is worse than desired I'll upload to YT.
Tablica wyników
40m 30s

Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez Splits.io
# | Nazwa | Podział | Zakończono o |
1 | Dahlia Valley Złoto | 3m 37s 046ms | 3m 37s 046ms |
2 | Hot & Burn Daisy Złoto | 3m 18s 383ms | 6m 55s 429ms |
3 | Iris | 2m 09s 265ms | 9m 04s 694ms |
4 | Anemone Beach Złoto | 2m 12s 567ms | 11m 17s 261ms |
5 | Camellia Desert | 3m 20s 739ms | 14m 38s |
6 | Castle Freesia Złoto | 2m 15s | 16m 53s |
7 | Heaven Złoto | 4m 00s 106ms | 20m 53s 106ms |
8 | Iris (Past) Złoto | 2m 46s 573ms | 23m 39s 679ms |
9 | Camellia Desert (Past) Złoto | 2m 39s 639ms | 26m 19s 318ms |
10 | Burn Daisy (Past) | 1m 15s 655ms | 27m 34s 973ms |
11 | Anemone Beach (Past) | 3m 17s 190ms | 30m 52s 163ms |
12 | Dahlia Valley (Past) Złoto | 1m 53s 274ms | 32m 45s 437ms |
13 | Soleil Town (Past) | 1m 33s 789ms | 34m 19s 226ms |
14 | Black Night Złoto | 5m 15s 021ms | 39m 34s 247ms |
15 | End Złoto | 0m 56s 355ms | 40m 30s 602ms |
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