[2020-12-18] Leaderboard updates (in-process)
4 years ago
United States

Heya folx!

So, in addition to adding in those categories we've been wanting (such as Weaponless, Puzzle All-chars and others), an idea sprung into my mind:

"A lot of these categories can technically also be run by other characters, not just in Story Mode (or as is currently the case for Dungeon Mode, Zelda is the only expected character). Why don't I just set it up as a 'Levels' leaderboard, kinda like how they do it over for Dicey Dungeons?!"

So, last night, I created those level leaderboards, and things started looking real great!.. That is, until I realized that you can't migrate a "Full-Game Run" over to a "Level Run" leaderboard (or vice versa).

Looking into this further, it seems the only way to go about such a migration is to manually resubmit every run to be converted in this manner, and then also reject every run from their original leaderboard after it's been migrated.

SO THIS IS YOUR HEADS UP!!! You'll all likely be seeing a number of notifications saying that your runs are being rejected. THIS IS NOT A BAD THING. I'll be sure to link you to where it has been relocated to in the rejection reason. PLEASE DO NOT RESUBMIT THE REJECTED RUN (many of them are also fairly old and wouldn't be easy to reproduce besides w/ the videos you've already provided).

Thank you all for your patience with me at this time! I'm hoping to have enough migrated over by tomorrow so that there can be a bunch of screenshots during FestiveDOR's CoNDOR News.

United States

Some people have suggested that maybe we retain all categories that are initiated in Story Mode should be maintained as Full-Game leaderboards rather than being migrated over to Individual Level leaderboards.

One of the biggest benefits of doing this is that there are nearly if not over 100 different Story Mode: Any% runs logged here on SRC (including those that have been obsoleted across all versions), and not having to migrate them would put less of a burden on me and less burden on your notification inboxes.

Another reasoning behind this is that Story Mode is technically the main/primary category and so should remain separate from the Level Leaderboards. Granted, I could always instead make the Level Leaderboard the primary leaderboard/landing page upon going to speedrun.com/coh, and with Story Mode being relatively distinct from a bunch of character names and being the first row, it would likely be the first thing checked anyway.

One final reasoning mentioned is that Story Mode is slightly incongruous with how most of the other characters would have entries for everything while Story would not have anything for Dungeon, Puzzle, and Arena Modes. However, this doesn't take into account how Yves cannot do Puzzle Mode and Skull Kid also doesn't work with a number of categories due to either inaccessible present Hyrule (6-instrument, AB&C) or it would be redundant relative to his Any% category ("Shortcut").

On a related note, at least one person was suggesting that Co-op should maybe be added & migrated to the Level leaderboards, but the limitations of doing so on SRC make it an impossibility. The primary limitation: Levels (characters in our case) do not have a player count attribute, only Categories like Any%, All Floors, and Puzzle Mode do. If a category is set to 2 players, then it would apply to every character, not just Co-op.

In summary

Do we want Story Mode to be fully migrated over to the "level" leaderboards or leave Story Mode-initiated categories as "full-game" categories (and un-migrate the Story Mode runs that weren't Any% back from the IL boards to the full game boards)?

  • Main benefit of not fully migrating it to levels: lots of runs to be migrated, leading to lots of notifications.
  • Another benefit: It's a primary mode of play distinct from single-character modes
  • It doesn't mesh with how most "Level" characters will have most categories filled.
  • Some "Level" characters can't do some of the categories, either.
  • Story Mode would look distinct from other "Level"s anyway in that it's not a character's name, and it would be the first row in the grid anyway, indicating it's the most frequently run "Level" for our game, so it wouldn't be as hidden as some worry.

I will add that because of the primary benefit, I've largely come around to being in favor of unmigrating Story Mode-based runs back to being Full-game leaderboards.

BUT, what do you all think? Should Story Mode actually remain a Full-game leaderboard, or should it also be migrated to the Individual Level boards?

Edytowane przez autor 4 years ago

Yeah, hearing this, it does make sense to keep story mode as full-game. As much as I'd like for puzzle to be the main mode, I have to concede that story is the default mode and the mode most people have tried. Not accounting for variants, Story being notably longer and more fleshed out than other categories is a fair reason to keep it as full-game.

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