(PC) Load Remover / Autosplitter
5 years ago
Minnesota, USA

(Post formatting destroyed thanks to a clueless site update that hasn't been fixed for 2+ years 🙄)

ASL Version 3.8 — October 23, 2024

Latest change: Added support for Steam 1.60 (Steam only)

Please go down to the Auto-Start/Reset/Split sections for more detailed explanations.

Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CptBrian/Autosplitters/master/BloodstainedRotN-Win64-Shipping.asl


Supported Versions(PC Only):

GOG 1.03 (Release Version, effectively "identical" to the next version)

GOG 1.04 (same RotN version as Steam 1.02)

GOG 1.05 (same RotN version as Steam 1.03)

GOG 1.09 (same RotN version as Steam 1.04)

GOG 1.10 (version numbers finally synced!)

GOG 1.21

Steam 1.02 Cracked (CODEX & FitGirl's confirmed)

Steam 1.02 (Release Version, Fixed Treasure Chest Bug, and other glitches exclusive to Physical Console Release versions 1.00 & 1.01)

Steam 1.03 (same RotN version as GOG 1.05 | Minor Localization Fix)

Steam 1.04 (same RotN version as GOG 1.09 | Balance Changes, Bug Fixes, Map Improvements)

Steam 1.10 (version numbers finally synced! | Zangetsu & Randomizer Release)

(Boss Revenge Release & Chroma Wheel)

Steam 1.16 (Bug Fixes)

Steam 1.17 (More Bug Fixes)

(Bloodless Release, Bug Fixes)

Steam 1.19 (Bloodless Hotfix, Save DLC Requirement Fix)

(Classic Mode Release & Kingdom Crossover, Many New issues)

Steam 1.21 (Classic Fixes, Final Randomizer Seed Update, NG+ Crash Fix)

Steam 1.30 (Aurora Crossover Character Release, Big Engine Update)

(Various Fixes, Install Size Reduction/Cleanup)

Steam 1.40 (Journey Crossover Playable Area, Bug Fixes)

Steam 1.50 (Chaos + Classic 2 + Vs Modes + Classic Mode 2, 1 Free + 3 DLC Costumes with effects, "Bug Fixes" 🙄)

Steam 1.60 (Bug Fixes for extreme Classic Loads + Shop soft lock)


Setup: It may or may not be required to run LiveSplit as administrator for it to access RotN's memory and use Global Hotkeys. This can be done by default through LiveSplit's Properties -> Compatibility.


In LiveSplit, Edit Splits... -> Enter Game Name -> Click the 'Activate' button that shows up below Attempts -> Make your splits -> Fill in other info if you want -> OK -> Save your splits.


You must compare against Game Time.


Make sure to remove any "Scriptable Auto Splitter" in your Layout Settings if there's any there, as those conflicts with this built-in ASL and prevents it from functioning properly. Save Layout.


Notes & Settings:

Quick clip of the load remover in action: • If the autosplitter script(ASL) is ever updated, you only need to toggle Deactivate & Activate in the split editor until you see the latest ASL version in Settings. Or just restart LiveSplit.

• Your detected Game Version will be displayed in Settings.


Load Removal Conditions:

Loading in general gameplay (room transitions, warps, waystones, general loading, etc.)

Loading a save file (separate memory flag and transitions into the general loading flag afterwards)

Loading after creating a new file(after finalizing settings)

Saving(all instances) (because writing to disk isn't much different than reading from it)

While the RotN Circular Logo loading screen is shown


Auto-Start Conditions:

Timer automatically starts at the perfect frame for all modes and characters.

• This can be disabled by unchecking the "Start" option in Settings.

• Couldn't create an auto-start for Boss Revenge mode with proper timings, so I left it out.


Auto-Reset Conditions:

The timer is already running and you start a new run, it will reset after the first loading screen when the cutscene starts or similar conditions (with more than enough time for the auto-start to function properly). Works with Boss Rush too.

Reminder: This will only reset the timer if you start a file that is definitely new, don't worry about this resetting your runs in progress if exiting to title screen, it won't.

• This can be disabled by unchecking the "Reset" option in Settings.


Auto-Split Conditions:

• Any boss is killed (should include all optional bosses too)

Every boss does not split on the final hit, some of them split when the boss explodes into a shard, or in the case of Dominique, during the white screen transition to Bael. This does not mean it changes for each run, it's consistent, this just means some bosses have a different timing than others. That timing is all controlled by a single address, so you can blame that :) ^I now use a new split method to make Gebel and Miriam(Zangetsu mode) split on the final hit rather than be delayed, and I could use this method for most bosses in the future, eventually™, but it's a lot of work right now.

• The split timing for Bael is the final hit.

• The split timing for the end of Zangetsu's mode(Miriam fight) is the final hit.

Make sure you have the right amount of splits! Dominique and Bael are separate splits!

• Boss Rush is not supported. I'll support it if it's ever taken seriously. It works differently.

• This can be disabled by unchecking the "Split" option in Settings.

• A couple optional bosses may not auto-split if you leave the room before a shard explosion*(Rev, Milli, etc.)*, or maybe even if there isn't one(?). The autosplitter would need to be completely reworked to fix that :) I'll think about a solution or I may be forced to redo it on future patches anyway.


Support my work ♥

(PayPal) https://streamlabs.com/cptbrian/tip

You can also follow on Twitch & YouTube. Thanks in advance ♥

Edytowane przez autor 4 months ago
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