Korok Seeds
3 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I inquire about a question about the korok seed. Does it effect movement speed upon fourth coming going fourth per say?

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

I believe different Korok Seeds weigh a different amount or have a different weight value. Getting the seeds in different orders can affect the speed of the run. I assume you are doing 100% based on your aura exuviating from your photo. DM me so I can give you my order for which Seeds to get when. Godspeed Brother and good luck

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to
Nantucket, MA, USA

According to the Wiki, Korok seeds have a distinct smell. This would imply that the Korok seeds are composed mostly if not exclusively of aromatic molecules. Assuming that the elements in the Zelda Universe are the same as the ones here on Earth, the Korok seeds must mostly be composed of carbon which may increase the weight depending on what molecules they may have been composed of prior to this revelation. If you digress into this article (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9498898/) you can find more about Aromatic molecules and how they may or may not be giving Link cancer as he advances through the game. IF Link were to develop cancer at some point during the run, this could slow him down significantly.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

I'm still confused because someone told me that they heard from someone else while watching television not too long ago that when they were listening to the show they were watching they heard that there was sound and it made them think that a Korok Seed is a thing that doesn't have sound. Do Korok Seeds give off vibrations and how does this effect my off stream totally not cheating world record attempts?

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 7 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

Thank you for your response brother First of all, I thank you for using a source because in this age where disinformation is spread so willy-nilly, a man, nay I say a God, actually citing his sources is a breath of relief. I believe the carbon in the seeds you reference is undigested poo matter, for it is implied that the seeds are the fecal matter of the Koroks (https://nintendosoup.com/loz-breath-wild-korok-seeds-korok-poop/) I do not believe poop has ever been linked to cancer, for no reports have ever made the connection However, parasites do reside in poop, which could then manifest in Link. Parasites can cause nausea and fatigue, which would definitely hinder Link's speed and stamina, assuming a Hylian has a similar anatomy to a human. So, in a long way, you backed up my point. Thank you for your insight

Edytowane przez autor 3 years ago
BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 7 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

Thank you for the response brother by the way.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to
Nantucket, MA, USA

Good source material brother,

But I have to say that you are completely and utterly wrong, as I was the one who actually created and uploaded your "source" to fool young fans such as yourself into false lore.

Sorry to trick you brother.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

Tis a shame brother costa

It would appear you have gone off on the beaten path. Could it have been lady Zelda's foot scent that you were chasing? Nonetheless, I wish you better days.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 7 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

Although we are now at odds Brother Pits, I must say I admire your commitment to educating the youth on validity of sources as well as your blazing passion for BoTW lore. I am on the receiving end of this fumble/lapse in judgement but I hope to use this life lesson in the future, especially when it comes to my speedruns.

However, there is still a lot of evidence toward the seeds being poop theory that I wish to prove for my senior thesis.

Brother Icey, Zelda's foot scent has been on my mind since the day some transcendental cosmic deity/power decided to breathe the breath of life into my infant lungs and kindle a blazing soul in wife-beater draped body. I will spend a good portion of the rest of my life on this earthly prison seeking out said fumes

I wish you good tidings in your future endeavors as well.

Edytowane przez autor 3 years ago
BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to
Nantucket, MA, USA

Dear Brother Costa33,

I would consider myself a somewhat expert of colon cancer as my grandfather once died of colon cancer.

Please consider the following when claiming that poop cancer is not real.

Discomfort with the collection of a stool sample is a frequently cited barrier for participation in fecal test-based colorectal cancer screening. The objective was to evaluate whether a feces collection paper enhances participation in a fecal immunochemical test (FIT)-based colorectal cancer screening program. Randomized clinical trial. Second round of a biannual Dutch FIT-based colorectal cancer screening program pilot. A random sample of 10 265 individuals from the general population, men and women aged 50-75 years at an average risk for colorectal cancer, was eligible for participation. Invitees were randomized to an FIT-only group (n=5136) or an FIT in combination with a feces collection paper group (n=5129). The main outcome measure was participation in screening. Overall, 5367 tests of 10 265 were returned (52%). In the FIT-only group, 2694 tests were returned [52%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 51-54%] versus 2673 tests in the collection paper group (52%; 95% CI: 51-54%). This difference in the participation rate was not significant (relative risk: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.97-1.04). A feces collection paper does not increase participation rates in FIT-based colorectal cancer screening. Future studies should explore other ways of facilitating participation in colorectal cancer screening programs.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 7 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

Brethren brethren,

Why bark at one another over such nonsense? The Korok Seed play a vital roll in Link due to the fact that they provide psychedelic experiences.

Oh. You really thought the Korok Forest was like that all year round. Don't be so foolish brethren. Father did not raise us to be foolish.

Your thoughts are always held high. What do you think?

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 7 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

Hello Brother, This test is only valid when dealing with one's own poop in one's colon, not a collection of plant-like beings' poop in a pocket or backpack

I am sorry for the loss of your grandfather, for colon cancer is a tough way to go, but that source does not apply to Link's situation. Once again, I appreciate your dedication to science and facts, but your source is not valid here.

Good health, Brother Pits

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 6 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

I am so sick and tired of the poop talk brothers. This has no significance to the Korok Seeds. In fact, I am triggered. I am going to tell father.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 7 inne podobało się to
Nantucket, MA, USA

Dear Icey1233

I hope this message finds you well.

Please do not tell father,

Sincerely Dutiful, -Armpits

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA

Even though I am upset. I want to thank you for posting by the way.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 7 inne podobało się to
Massachusetts, USA


Father wears a crooked smile another day for he knows not the words we speak. I will hold my tongue, and I ask that you do the same.

Until we meet again. Farewell brothers.

BreadstickGaming802, The_Bromie i 8 inne podobało się to

bro what the hell KEKW

Edytowane przez autor 3 years ago
BreadstickGaming802, itsmearmpits i 4 inne podobało się to
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Hahahahahahaha I'm dying the stupidity of this is too funny

Edytowane przez autor 3 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5, Oh_my_gourdness i 4 inne podobało się to
Western Australia, Australia

what did I just read ?

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