New Mod - Hello!
3 years ago
Idaho, USA

Hi everyone! My name is Joe, and I’m the new mod around these here parts. I just wanted to take a second to introduce myself and talk a bit about the future of this board.

Batman: Vengeance, as silly as it is, is one of my favorite games ever. I didn’t start trying to speedrun it until right around the beginning of the pandemic, but once I did I was hooked! It’s a fun run and I think it has a lot of potential.

I had to take a break from practicing during a lengthy moving process, but I kept thinking about the game and how we could continue to flesh out the rules and such.

I sent a bunch of ideas out in the Discord, offering to help in any way I could, and our awesome mod let us know that he’d had a kid recently and was looking to step back completely for the time being - asking me to take his place. Shoutouts to Lu-I, and congratulations on your new child! We’re all wishing you the best.

Over the next few weeks I’ll be fleshing out the rules and information on this board, reworking the Discord a bit, and of course I’ll be working on my run!

This is a very small (but growing!) community, and I imagine the rules will evolve over time as we grow. I’m pulling from other games and discussions had amongst our few runners right now, and I think we’ll end up in a solid place. If you have ideas, feedback, or whatever - I’m all ears! We’ll build this up together as a community.

Feel free to reach out to me here, on Twitter, or in our Discord any time if you have any questions about the game and the run! Depending on work, it might take a day or so to get back to you but I’ll reply as soon as I can.

That’s all for now - see you in Gotham City!

bradenexplosion i Lu-I podobało się to
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