Main Story in 2h 37m 02s by
Pretty happy with this.
Tablica wyników
Main Story
2h 37m 02s
Podziały czasu
Dostarczone przez
# | Nazwa | Podział | Zakończono o |
1 | GCPD | 9m 53s 686ms | 9m 53s 686ms |
2 | Start ACE | 9m 39s 081ms | 19m 32s 767ms |
3 | Rescue Workers [C] | 5m 38s 213ms | 25m 10s 980ms |
4 | ACE Escape | 7m 17s 793ms | 32m 28s 773ms |
5 | Penguin Takedown | 7m 21s 592ms | 39m 50s 365ms |
6 | Blow up Turrets Złoto | 5m 25s 230ms | 45m 15s 595ms |
7 | Ship Skip | 3m 55s 134ms | 49m 10s 729ms |
8 | Crow Złoto | 5m 17s 464ms | 54m 28s 193ms |
9 | Cobras [CL] | 5m 58s 310ms | 1h 00m 26s 503ms |
10 | Relay Chip | 6m 07s 076ms | 1h 06m 33s 579ms |
11 | Missile Cobras | 4m 56s 474ms | 1h 11m 30s 053ms |
12 | Clock Tower [MGT] | 5m 07s 139ms | 1h 16m 37s 192ms |
13 | Christina Down | 5m 11s 006ms | 1h 21m 48s 198ms |
14 | King Down | 0m 59s 049ms | 1h 22m 47s 247ms |
15 | Charisma Down Złoto | 5m 42s 281ms | 1h 28m 29s 528ms |
16 | Harley Caged Złoto | 1m 57s 126ms | 1h 30m 26s 654ms |
17 | Robin Caged | 4m 39s 950ms | 1h 35m 06s 604ms |
18 | Stagg Caged | 3m 21s 399ms | 1h 38m 28s 003ms |
19 | Port Adams Skip | 9m 57s 809ms | 1h 48m 25s 812ms |
20 | Cloudburst Cobras | 2m 11s 366ms | 1h 50m 37s 178ms |
21 | Cloudburst Tank | 4m 17s 100ms | 1h 54m 54s 278ms |
22 | GCPD Broadcast | 2m 05s 819ms | 1h 57m 00s 097ms |
23 | Excavator | 7m 21s 714ms | 2h 04m 21s 811ms |
24 | Capture the Knight Złoto | 4m 18s 214ms | 2h 08m 40s 025ms |
25 | Rescue Oracle Złoto | 4m 10s 700ms | 2h 12m 50s 725ms |
26 | Rescue Clocktower | 2m 58s 062ms | 2h 15m 48s 787ms |
27 | Rescue GCPD Złoto | 8m 19s 593ms | 2h 24m 08s 380ms |
28 | Surrender | 5m 56s 628ms | 2h 30m 05s 008ms |
29 | Goodbye, Joker | 6m 57s 369ms | 2h 37m 02s 377ms |
Leaderboard Blacklist
Moving forward we will be implementing a blacklist for users who violate the rules, people on this list will not be allowed to submit runs to our leaderboards. Anyone on the list will be contacted and be made aware of that, otherwise the list will remain anonymous. We won't retroactively delete runs
Najnowsze przebiegi
Poziom: Sky High
Poziom: Silent Knight
Poziom: Credit Crunch
Poziom: Terminal Velocity