rules? more specifically; what is and isn't allowed in this run, and how are powerups counted?
there is no reason for the shooting star to count as a power-up as it's not even in the power-up section of the tutorial place
the 4 power-ups in that section are saws, peppers, batteries and marbles
there might possibly be sub categories idk for 33 star minimum is 5 for 36 and above this category is hell
Ok to add on to the rules a bit more, you have to get 1 in W3 trial, 3 in W6 trial, and 1 in W7 trial.
What is a power-up? Anything that gives you the ability to a new path; marbles, batteries, peppers and saws.
What power-ups are used? 5 power-ups are collected throughout a basic 33 star run, a marble in Frosted Snowland (W3), three peppers in Sandbrick Sandbox (W6) and one marble in Mad Dragon Festival (W7).
What are the rules? Collecting anything other than the power-ups listed above will make the run invalidated due to more power-ups than the minimal amount, five.
What tricks are used to skip some power-ups? In Wooden Workshop (W4) we encounter our first problem, the first chainsaw in the trial course; luckily however, this can be skipped using an axe fling from the axe just in front of it. The next problem is in W6, the 2nd pepper required to beat it can actually be skipped by wall hopping along the side of the wall to get to the next part of the challenge course. Recently, W7 would've only been doable in 2 power ups, but thanks to the new addition of TBMS we can do it in one. Finally, in Shattered Shardscape (W10) there is a chainsaw that is required to beat the level legit; however, using either 2 lag clips or multiple wall hops this can be skipped and we can beat the game with only 5 power-ups.
Since the game is beatable with 0 stars, this means that no powerups are required unless you're beating the game with 33 stars which uses 5 power ups.