Very good run. I learned that in the first stage by shooting right as you pass the tall, dark building things in the background you will guarantee good despawns to save time. You can also despawn the troll bomb drip in stage four by continuing to shoot after killing the fifth enemy. RNG throughout was favourable. I only had to jump over two bullets from an enemies (one in stage two and one in stage three).
I'm done for now. I'll probably come back for more if this gets beaten but I'm happy with this time.
Played on RGB modded NES console using EverDrive N8 Pro.
This is a short post for visibility. Two new moderators have been added to the board: zarc0nis and me. We're going to take over all responsibilities for maintaining the Action 52 (NES) leaderboard.
We are currently going through all existing runs and retiming them and adding millisecond pre