Is Boss Broken!?
1 year ago
United States

I've played the game several times and the boss on level 3 will not spawn! Is this a known glitch, or am I doing something that is causing the boss not to spawn? I'm pretty sure there's a few more levels, but can the game even be completed? I'm using Rev A and haven't tried Standard yet. Maybe it will work on Standard.

United States

Something is happening where the boss doesn't spawn.

This game is possible to beat, and it has 7 levels total.

But it just goes back to 1 but i would count that as a win tho.

Maybe, shooting just before the boss does it? That happens in star evil a lot.

stevenqbeatz111 to się podoba
United States

Skip to 4:24:42 in the description

stevenqbeatz111 to się podoba
United States

Ahh, interesting! Going to try it again but be careful when shooting before the boss appears.

United States

Yeah, that was the case, I checked to see, and some bosses are very sensitive when it comes to shooting them before they spawn.

stevenqbeatz111 to się podoba
United States

Actually 6 levels. My bad.

stevenqbeatz111 to się podoba
United States

I tried this again the other day and I got to level 5, but I must've shot right before the boss was supposed to appear and it didn't spawn lol. It's like, you have to keep shooting because you never know when an enemy is going to spawn right in front fo you, but you can't shoot too much because the boss won't spawn haha. So broken!


This piqued my interest in the game so I completed a run of Boss so I've added it was an available category on the leaderboards. The enemy spawns are always the same—the only RNG is if the stationary enemies will shoot at you or not—so you can predict when they will appear and not need to spam the fire button and risk despawning the boss.

stevenqbeatz111 to się podoba

Actually, after watching steven's failed attempt video here I noticed that spamming the fire changes how the hazardous blog things drop down which makes the run faster. So the ideal strat is to spam the shot until you're near the boss then stop to prevent a despawn. I did this by watching my timer and stopping after 1m 10s passes from the previous split.

stevenqbeatz111 to się podoba
United States

Thanks for the info Beard! Going to try this again soon


I did some testing and found out that it's easier to count how many enemies you've killed. After a set number of kills stop spamming and you should expect to see 1 more enemy before the boss (possibly none if you despawn one of them but that is rare).

The counts for each stage are:

Stage One: 11

Stage Two: 6

Stage Three: 5

Stage Four: 5

Stage Five: 7

Stage Six: 8

stevenqbeatz111 to się podoba
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New mods, retiming runs, and adding missing VODs


This is a short post for visibility. Two new moderators have been added to the board: zarc0nis and me. We're going to take over all responsibilities for maintaining the Action 52 (NES) leaderboard.

We are currently going through all existing runs and retiming them and adding millisecond pre

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