All Deaths Run
6 months ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Current Deaths Checklist for Run

The above may change and update and is open for discussion!

Original Post:

I'm working on trying to create an All Deaths run. I've been working with others in Kefka's discord server

This is a proof of concept run I did. Not speedy. And lots of tweaks needed obviously. A lot of errors. Not run-ready. But posting it here in case someone wants to jump in to help with pathing and point out anything I might have missed.

The pseudo-rules that I've created so far (and still up for editing and debate):

Unique Action/Script Rules:

  • Do every unique action and/or trigger unique death script.
  • Jump through every window/pit, one per screen (to clarify, if there’s multiple windows, one window is enough, but in scenes such as Look Out point, picking up the gold tin does not count as moving into space)
  • Destroy torch in all unique water pools / fountains / enemies / time running out
  • Torch must be extinguished on the sphere at least once. Can be accomplished in Rotting Meat room before Dragon's Den or in the Shark-infested Lake after being frozen.
  • One hit/weapon per enemy. Torch counts as a weapon except following enemies with unique dialogues: Wyvern, Woman, Dead Wolf. Because of this, torch on wyvern, woman, and dead wolf are required!
  • Even if the script is the same as attacking, attempt to acquire item without killing the Wyvern, Woman, and Hellhound is required since it’s a unique event.
  • Attempting to "move" past an enemy is considered "unique" and a requirement.
  • Kill yourself with at least one weapon. Kill yourself with the torch
  • Do not forget to drink Bottle 1 in "epor" room.

Time Start is when New File is selected and Time End is last word of the final death screen dialogue of "It's a sad thing your adventures have ended here!!" (end game not required.)

Edytowane przez autor 6 months ago
Pennsylvania, USA

I updated original post with a checklist of deaths for both mods and runners. Both rules and deaths are absolutely open for discussion!

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Opublikowano 6 months ago
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