新しいカテゴリー追加の提案/Suggestions for adding new categories
1 month ago
Gunma, Japan


カテゴリー名 any%

計測開始は、Quest Conpleteと同じ場所。


開発 株式会社 シンソフィア が表示されたタイミングが望ましいです。

English version

I would like to make a suggestion for a new category.

Category name any%.

Measurement starts at the same place as Quest Complete.

The end of the measurement should be when the platinum influencer is reached, the staff roll is played, and

Development SynSophia Inc. is displayed.

Katsushi1998 to się podoba
Gunma, Japan




エラー落ちがなかったものに関しては、any% no game crashed などにしてほしいです。

English Version


Although error crashes sometimes occur when processing overlaps during game play,

Games that include cases where the game resumed after an error crash should be marked with “any%”.

If there is no error crash, please indicate “any% no game crashed” or something like that.

Katsushi1998 to się podoba