PoziomPierwsze miejsce
Doom E1M1: Hangar
Doom E1M2: Nuclear Plant
Doom E1M3: Toxin Refinery
Doom E1M3: Toxin Refinery (Secret Exit)
Doom E1M4: Command Control
Doom E1M5: Phobos Lab
Doom E1M6: Central Processing
Doom E1M7: Computer Station
Doom E1M8: Phobos Anomaly
Doom E1M9: Military Base
Doom E2M1: Deimos Anomaly
Doom E2M2: Containment Area
Doom E2M3: Refinery
Doom E2M4: Deimos Lab
Doom E2M5: Command Center
Doom E2M5: Command Center (Secret Exit)
Doom E2M6: Halls of the Damned
Doom E2M7: Spawning Vats
Doom E2M8: Tower of Babel
Doom E2M9: Fortress of Mystery
Doom E3M1: Hell Keep
Doom E3M2: Slough of Despair
Doom E3M3: Pandemonium
Doom E3M4: House of Pain
Doom E3M5: Unholy Cathedral
Doom E3M6: Mt. Erebus
Doom E3M6: Mt. Erebus (Secret Exit)
Doom E3M7: Limbo
Doom E3M8: Dis
Doom E3M9: Warrens
Doom E4M1: Hell Beneath
Doom E4M2: Perfect Hatred
Doom E4M2: Perfect Hatred (Secret Exit)
Doom E4M3: Sever the Wicked
Doom E4M4: Unruly Evil
Doom E4M5: They Will Repent
Doom E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly
Doom E4M7: And Hell Followed
Doom E4M8: Unto the Cruel
Doom E4M9: Fear
Sigil E5M1: Baphomet's Demesne
Sigil E5M2: Sheol
Sigil E5M3: Cages of the Damned
Sigil E5M4: Paths of Wretchedness
Sigil E5M5: Abaddon's Void
Sigil E5M6: Unspeakable Persecution
Sigil E5M6: Unspeakable Persecution (Secret Exit)
Sigil E5M7: Nightmare Underworld
Sigil E5M8: Halls of Perdition
Sigil E5M9: Realm of Iblis
Doom II Map 1: Entryway
Doom II Map 2: Underhalls
Doom II Map 3: The Gantlet
Doom II Map 4: The Focus
Doom II Map 5: The Waste Tunnels
Doom II Map 6: The Crusher
Doom II Map 7: Dead Simple
Doom II Map 8: Tricks and Traps
Doom II Map 9: The Pit
Doom II Map 10: Refueling Base
Doom II Map 11: Circle of Death
Doom II Map 12: The Factory
Doom II Map 13: Downtown
Doom II Map 14: The Inmost Dens
Doom II Map 15: Industrial Zone
Doom II Map 15: Industrial Zone (Secret Exit)
Doom II Map 16: Suburbs
Doom II Map 17: Tenements
Doom II Map 18: The Courtyard
Doom II Map 19: The Citadel
Doom II Map 20: Gotcha!
Doom II Map 21: Nirvana
Doom II Map 22: The Catacombs
Doom II Map 23: Barrels o' Fun
Doom II Map 24: The Chasm
Doom II Map 25: Bloodfalls
Doom II Map 26: The Abandoned Mines
Doom II Map 27: Monster Condo
Doom II Map 28: The Spirit World
Doom II Map 29: The Living End
Doom II Map 30: Icon of Sin
Doom II Map 31: Wolfenstein
Doom II Map 31: Wolfenstein (Secret Exit)
Doom II Map 32: Grosse
Master Levels Map 1: Attack
Master Levels Map 2: Canyon
Master Levels Map 3: The Catwalk
Master Levels Map 4: The Fistula
Master Levels Map 5: The Combine
Master Levels Map 6: Subspace
Master Levels Map 7: Paradox
Master Levels Map 8: Subterra
Master Levels Map 9: The Garrison
Master Levels Map 10: Black Tower
Master Levels Map 11: Virgil's Lead: 3rd Canto of Inferno
Master Levels Map 12: Minos' Judgment: 4th Canto of Inferno
Master Levels Map 13: Nessus: 5th Canto of Inferno
Master Levels Map 14: Geryon: 6th Canto of Inferno
Master Levels Map 15: Vesperas: 7th Canto of Inferno
Master Levels Map 16: Titan Manor
Master Levels Map 17: Trapped on Titan
Master Levels Map 18: The Express Elevator to Hell
Master Levels Map 18: The Express Elevator to Hell (Secret Exit)
Master Levels Map 19: Bloodsea Keep
Master Levels Map 20: Mephisto's Maosoleum
Master Levels Map ??: Bad Dream
No Rest for the Living Map 1: The Earth Base
No Rest for the Living Map 2: The Pain Labs
No Rest for the Living Map 3: Canyon of the Dead
No Rest for the Living Map 4: Hell Mountain
No Rest for the Living Map 4: Hell Mountain (Secret Exit)
No Rest for the Living Map 5: Vivisection
No Rest for the Living Map 6: Inferno of Blood
No Rest for the Living Map 7: Baron's Banquet
No Rest for the Living Map 8: Tomb of Malevolence
No Rest for the Living Map 9: March of the Demons
Plutonia Map 1: Congo
Plutonia Map 2: Well of Souls
Plutonia Map 3: Aztec
Plutonia Map 4: Caged
Plutonia Map 5: Ghost Town
Plutonia Map 6: Baron's Lair
Plutonia Map 7: Caughtyard
Plutonia Map 8: Realm
Plutonia Map 9: Abattoire
Plutonia Map 10: Onslaught
Plutonia Map 11: Hunted
Plutonia Map 12: Speed
Plutonia Map 13: The Crypt
Plutonia Map 14: Genesis
Plutonia Map 15: The Twilight
Plutonia Map 15: The Twilight (Secret Exit)
Plutonia Map 16: The Omen
Plutonia Map 17: Compound
Plutonia Map 18: Neurosphere
Plutonia Map 19: NME
Plutonia Map 20: The Death Domain
Plutonia Map 21: Slayer
Plutonia Map 22: Impossible Mission
Plutonia Map 23: Tombstone
Plutonia Map 24: The Final Frontier
Plutonia Map 25: The Temple of Darkness
Plutonia Map 26: Bunker
Plutonia Map 27: Anti-Christ
Plutonia Map 28: The Sewers
Plutonia Map 29: Odyssey of Noises
Plutonia Map 30: The Gateway of Hell
Plutonia Map 31: Cyberden
Plutonia Map 32: Go 2 It
TNT Map 1: System Control
TNT Map 2: Human BBQ
TNT Map 3: Power Control
TNT Map 4: Wormhole
TNT Map 5: Hanger
TNT Map 6: Open Season
TNT Map 7: Prison
TNT Map 8: Metal
TNT Map 9: Stronghold
TNT Map 10: Redemption
TNT Map 11: Storage Facility
TNT Map 12: Crater
TNT Map 13: Nukage Processing
TNT Map 14: Steel Works
TNT Map 15: Dead Zone
TNT Map 15: Dead Zone (Secret Exit)
TNT Map 16: Deepest Reaches
TNT Map 17: Processing Area
TNT Map 18: Mill
TNT Map 19: Shipping/Respawning
TNT Map 20: Central Processing
TNT Map 21: Administration Center
TNT Map 22: Habitat
TNT Map 23: Lunar Mining Project
TNT Map 24: Quarry
TNT Map 25: Baron's Den
TNT Map 26: Ballistyx
TNT Map 27: Mount Pain
TNT Map 28: Heck
TNT Map 29: River Styx
TNT Map 30: Last Call
TNT Map 31: Pharaoh
TNT Map 31: Pharaoh (Secret Exit)
TNT Map 32: Caribbean
Legacy of Rust E1M1: Scar Gate
Legacy of Rust E1M2: Sanguine Wastes
Legacy of Rust E1M2: Sanguine Wastes (Secret Exit)
Legacy of Rust E1M3: Spirit Drains
Legacy of Rust E1M4: Descending Inferno
Legacy of Rust E1M5: Creeping Hate
Legacy of Rust E1M6: The Coiled City
Legacy of Rust E1M7: Forfeited Salvation
Legacy of Rust E1M0: Ash Mill
Legacy of Rust E2M1: Second Coming
Legacy of Rust E2M2: Falsehood
Legacy of Rust E2M3: Dis Union
Legacy of Rust E2M3: Dis Union (Secret Exit)
Legacy of Rust E2M4: Echoes of Pain
Legacy of Rust E2M5: The Rack
Legacy of Rust E2M6: Soul Silo
Legacy of Rust E2M7: Brink
Legacy of Rust E2M0: Panopticon
Statystyki gry
14 days ago
Pula nagród
Najnowsze wiadomości
SR50 Is Now Possible on Kex!

Hey everyone!

Yesterday, an update for the Kex Port was released. Among the many patches and quality-of-life changes made, the update made SR50, a faster straferunning technique, possible on Kex!

To perform SR50 (StrafeRun-50), one must have a forward input and two strafe inputs fo

4 months ago
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Opublikowano 4 months ago
1 odpowiedź
Opublikowano 5 months ago
Opublikowano 5 months ago
Opublikowano 5 months ago
Opublikowano 6 months ago