"DLC" tricks
2 months ago

Okay so I'll be using my run from what we call the Addon category over on the OG Chasm leaderboard as a reference point because I'm not gonna record the 2022 version of this game despite me finally playing it again after so long:

So anyways, at the start of level 2 (level 18 here), you notice we can hop from the ledge in the old game to that later part of the level but obviously that's not doable in 2022. However, all is not lost; simply lure the mincer around the corner out and then shoot it when it's gotten close enough to you that it just passes the upper room pathway, which should momentarily stun it. Hop on top of it and if you got it right you can slide on over into the later area. Bit trickier and slower (in theory if not practice) than OG's version of the skip, but it gets the job done in saving time overall.

Going off the recent OOB developments by Sheenaynay, I found in level 3 (level 19 here) that you can use the tall decorative circular-formation pillars at the start of the map to go OOB with a well timed landmine hop. I gotta say, landmines really suck in this version, because they're slower to go off and they have a larger radius for activation, although maybe that's not so bad if you can place it far enough away from yourself to get launched up OOB with minimal health loss.

I've hit a wall here on how one should proceed further. It seems you won't have enough health to keep mine jumping OOB and the timing and the RNG for the mine OOB hop is enough to sink any potential PB/WR runs so really I'd say it's on you to figure out how you'd use that. Maybe get to the boss early, or use it two times for getting the boss area unlocked faster and then traveling to him faster with the shield. I don't know what's viable there, taking health management into consideration.

Thank you for reading this, I hope to see the cough "DLC" coughs run get some major improvements from here on out. By the way, I would appreciate being added to the moderator list, because eventually I'd love to decorate this leaderboard to be complementary to the OG one. Plus I'd request a series thing and decorate that too.


I give you a mod, I already asked for the series but the bad thing is that they didn't give me a super mod to give you mods in the series as well.

Oh, I didn't realize the series thing already existed, funny how it never popped up in searches prior.

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Leaderboard & Discord (2/12/2024 - 23:57 (UTC-3)

The Inbounds category was added (I should have seen it added before but I forgot) the name of the DLC was also changed to Addon as it is in the 1997 classification table. I created a discord that will be from the series since there was no discord from the 1997 game created.

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