Level difference between Episodes' World Record holder
7 months ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

So recently I was watching the World Record to see their segments times and the strats to implement in my run and I notice that most of his levels are really different comparing to everyone's levels here in the leaderboard and I'd like to know if he played in a different version or if this game works like a "Level shuffler" or something like that

These are the levels that are different

Episode 1:

  • Level 2
  • Level 3 (which was suppose to be the Level 2)
  • Level 4
  • Level 5 (which was suppose to be the Level 6 on the Episode 2 category)

Episode 2:

  • Level 6
  • Level 11
  • Level 13
  • Level 15
  • the whole Episode 3 is different
Phaultz i FS_Speedruns podobało się to

I'll take a look, thank you.


I already move the run to pending runs and I'll ask the runner about it via dm, if I get any news I'll notify you.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Alright, thank you!


hootsuit sayed that he/she/they redowloaded the game and got the everyone's version. Maybe it is an old or regional version? I don't know, but I'll search gameplays on YouTube to see if some of them have the hootsuit's version to have a clue.

United States

ive never seen that version of the game before, wonder what thats all about


You won't believe, but I found up to 5 variations of "level 2" of CCSS lol.

Here it is the link of a playlist I made with all I've found: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9blqlauQiBfgOHUzsV-rkL_7tPu01RXj&si=53C9ygxKeqw4E5-u

I can identify the oldest one (the bigger square with that black things, I even think I have played this version in Facebook) with at least two variations about candy position. Then the vertical rectangle version, at bit newer. And then our versions of level 2, divided into everyone's version and hootsuit version, that could be a bit older but newer than the rectangle version.

What should I do? Make a category for each variation? Or just use the actual version until a runner uploads runs from previous versions?

Edytowane przez autor 7 months ago
United States

Honestly I think it would be best to just use the "everyone's version" of the game and have that be the only category for now. Like you said, if more people run the previous versions maybe set up categories for those runs/versions of the game.

(Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though, this is just my own)

FS_Speedruns i AntBlueR podobało się to

I think so, it would be good to know when this changed or the version where it changed tho so I add it into the rules and say that "only this version" or something like that, but it is not urgent rn. Archiving the run could also work, but for now I think I'll let the run as pending until I decide what to do.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

@FS_Speedruns I used hootsuit's run in my World 1 run and all levels were identical, but weird that this game have so many version differences, maybe atlas used a 3 year ago version and that's why his Level 2 (and many others) are really different than our runs

Yeah, it may be a good idea to just use everyone's version and split out the ones that are different from the most commom one


@AntBlueR if the levels were identical there should not be a problem. However I might see if there is another run with an old version, and now I have to be more careful with that. My theory about hootsuit is that he downloaded the game some time ago and he didn't updated it.

AntBlueR to się podoba
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

So recentlty I decided to replay Candy Crush Soda to grind and do some level science/searching and notice that all the levels I said that were different from my version are now the same as the version I was comparing to (which was atlas' one) I'm not sure if the game updated and changed everything, but I'm pretty sure the game probably has a "Demo" version which has all these levels from the leaderboard (aside from Atlas' runs) and after sometime it does change to the "real ones"

I think we could split the leaderboard between "Demo" and "Real version" or something like that to avoid level differences since the Demo seems like to have a bunch of "pre-scrypted" levels where you could do the same moves and get the same results

I plan to install in my other phone and do more science about it + uninstall it and reinstall it and see what's going on with it

The videos ahead were recorded on August 23/24 respectively (description for double check), HOWEVER, the change was notice by me days/weeks before, just did not have time to record and share this information in here

The proof of the level changes:

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