First off is the poke cup poke ball easy pokes easy wins all you have to do is catch them off guard with types matchups and better strats and you win. Poke cup great ball is a bit different but still kinda the same Beat the challengers that come your way types matchups matter diverse teams and make sure you have plenty of set ups for you opponent to lose to. That is pretty much the entire poke cup. Onto the challenge cup random pokes random Pokémon fro the challengers as well make sure if you get a good team by random make sure you use it wisely. Next is the little cup we’re we have tiny cute Pokémon at lv.5 . To get the job done you can pick the Pokémon I use or use different ones as long as you use abra and gastly in your party so it should abra, gastly, voltorb lavitar, charmander and bulbasaur if your using my team if not then feel free to replace the charmander with squitle and something else if you want doesn’t matter. Anyways prime cup watch out for cool trainer in prime cup master ball nothing much else needed to be said he has a mew and celebi