Enabling Slow Machine Inventory
Enabling Slow Machine Inventory
Updated 9 years ago by J2xp

Have you ever noticed how in my runs that, Pajama Sam's inventory has no animation and is much quicker? How do you do that? Well stick around and I'll tell you.

Just follow these steps to enable Slow Machine Inventory:

1. Go into your installation directory (most likely C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Pajama Sam 3)   
2. Go into ScummVM_Windows   

3. Open the file scummvm-pajamasam3.ini with WordPad.

4. if it does not exist, add the line "SlowMachineInventory=1" below [pajama3] so it looks something like this:


5. Start the Game   

6. Make a new save (any pre-existing saves are not updated with any edits to the .ini
(Guide to making save files can be found here: http://www.speedrun.com/pjsam3/guide/pkzdc)

7. Reset

8. Click on the menu button in the bottom left corner.

9. Click on 'Save', and save your game.

Now you have a save file with the optimal speedrun route, and Slow Machine Inventory enabled.

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