Category Questions/Additions?
7 years ago
Chicago, IL, USA

Is there any chance for extra categories to be added?

For golden arena, there's no category for difficulty, but the rules are to just clear the mode. This leads to some open ended rules, such as whether or not someone can use a max level character/max social link navigator.

There are harder difficulties that are longer, which would be nice to run. With the current rules, there's no point in running the harder difficulties.

Also, I was surprised to see that there aren't any categories for Score Attack mode, considering there is an in-game timer for that mode. Is there a possibility for categories based on difficulty/Score attack course to be added?

I'm looking to do more runs of this game, and would just like this cleared up.

Tylerthedragon likes this

I'd love for this to be cleared up too. Also would navigators be restricted in runs since the only feesable way to get them is to be extremely good at the game (which obviously for a run would happen but maybe not for the characters people use) or to buy them as DLC. Opens up a lot of questions based on what would be the best.


Restructuring the categories is a possibility. The game hasn't had much of activity so there hasn't really been much if any category discussions before. More active discussion can be done in the SMT speedrunning Discord server, ask for an invite on twitter or something if necessary.


Can one of the mods add score attack as a category? Would be awesome

Edited by the author 1 year ago