Golden Grin Glitchess Category?
6 years ago

I think there should be a glitchless category for the Golden Grin Heist (Any and above DW) since it has been patched a long time ago. It is weird to see sub 2 mins and over 9 mins in the same list (even thought you can specify if glitch has been used or not)

ReqtSpeed likes this


I see what your point is. There actually used to be a Glitchless subcategory at some point, but the Henchmen update with interaction speed boosts was so much a deal breaker that we eventually changed it to Botless, since it's prevalent in submitted runs and affects all maps and not just a select few. Adding both subcategories at the same time would be impossible to maintain as the number of categories would double, with some empty ones. You still can filter runs using the Glitch used? variable, which in my opinion is a fair compromise.

Also, keep in mind that those leaderboards are more of a legacy thing and there might be some sort of wipe when support for the game ends.

chiefguide likes this
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Hey runners! A bit late of an announcement of the new categories voting results, but they all ended up being voted in favour of, so we decided to announce it when the new categories along with the rules, as well as the new version of the speedrunning mod that includes the "no slowmotion" toggle are

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