(IMPORTANT) In-game time means no load times
9 years ago
United States

Because of the fact that you could really play this on either console or PC, I'm not counting the load times between each chapter. Now you may ask, "Why don't you just separate load times, then?" That is because in the 100% category, you must exit to the menu in order to complete a puzzle, so just keeping in-game times would prove much easier for both categories. If you still don't understand, please ask and I will do my best to answer. Thank you!

United States

So how will 100% work then? we would do the levels out of order? and do ch5 twice? would we have to complete it both times? just once?

Bourgogne, France

I'd say that you don't need to complete ch5 both times... Here's the rules as I see them :

  • Start New Game.
  • Finish all chapters at least once (in order ? I'd say yes, but needs to be agreed between runners of Pneuma).
  • Finish both Body (Ch3), Spirit (Ch2) and Soul puzzles.
  • Loading times are removed, time spent in menu counts for the final time.

Depending on what we agree for rule number one, the run could be following this order : Prologue, Ch1, Ch2(Spirit), Ch3(Body), Ch4, Ch5, Ch6(Soul1), [Epilogue ?], Ch1(Soul2), Ch5(Soul3), Ch2(Soul4), Ch6(Soul5), [Epilogue ?] Either you finish Ch6 on first part of Soul puzzle, then you can decide to do Epilogue right now, or you finish Ch6 on the end of the Soul puzzle and you'll have no choice but finish your run by Epilogue.

The second order (if we decide that you don't need complete the chapters in order), would be : Prologue (new game), Ch6(Soul1), [Epilogue ?], Ch1(Soul2), [Ch4 ?], Ch5(Soul3), Ch2(Soul4+Spirit), Ch3(Body), [Ch4 ?], Ch6(Soul5), [Epilogue ?] Epilogue : same thing as above. And for Ch4 : either you decide to chain Ch4 and Ch5, or you chain Ch2, Ch3 and Ch4.

Might seem quite obscure... If I have time, I'll try to do a small infographic.

United States

What you're saying makes sense. This is what I would suggest for rules, pulling a bit from what Timbouton said. Let me know what you guys think:

Rules: Run must begin with Prologue (new game) and end with Epilogue (touch apple) Finish every chapter at least once. Order is up to runner for innovation and whatnot. Must complete body, soul, and spirit puzzles. (trigger appearance of pillar)

Timing: Subtract loads, include menuing. (so no taking breaks/eating sandwiches in menus)

Level order that I would propose given these rules:

Prologue(new game -> complete level) --menu Ch 6(soul 1-> quit) --menu Ch 1(soul 2 -> complete level) --menu Ch 5(soul 3 -> complete level) --menu Ch 2(soul 4, spirit, -> complete level) Ch 3(body -> complete level) Ch 4(n/a -> complete level) --menu Ch 6(soul 5 -> complete level) Epilogue

United States

I can agree on this. You can complete the game in any order you want, as long as you complete all of the side puzzles as well as each chapter.

Bourgogne, France

I think we can roll with these rules. Seeing all 3 mods agreed with these rules, I edited the 100% category rules (also did a small edit on the any% category rules for clarifications on the timing). Can any of you double check and edit if it needs ?

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