1. Death Row (OUTDATED)
1. Death Row (OUTDATED)
Updated 8 years ago by AwesomeFish

-- OBJECTIVES -- Construct a building to house the Execution Facility Build a Large Jail Door entrance

Build internal walls

Build internal doors

Designate a Cell
Designate an Execution Room

Build a Bed
Build a Toilet
Build an Electric Chair

(OPTIONAL) Build a Path to the new facility
(OPTIONAL) Add a Window to the Cell
(OPTIONAL) Add a Bookshelf to the Cell
(OPTIONAL) Redo the flooring with higher quality materials
(OPTIONAL) Create some outdoor lighting around the facility

Connect the rooms to the Electrical Supply

Connect the Electric Chair to the Electrical Supply
Connect the Cell to the Electrical Supply

Turn the Power Station back on.
Expand the power station with three new Capacitors

Test the chair again 

-- GUIDE -- Death Row is pretty straight forward. Be sure to remember where to build the Walls, Toilet, Bed, and Electric Chair to save time. You NEED to place them where the game tells you to place them, otherwise it doesn't count (Though in the case of the Electric Chair so long as it overlaps with the place you need to place it then the game will count it. The same goes for the bed technically).

Even if the game tells you to build in brick, it really doesn't care if you use brick or concrete. So if you miss-click and build one or all the walls of concrete don't worry. The game will still count it. And don't be afraid to spam workers in order to get things built faster. Money is rarely an issue in any of these missions, which I suppose makes sense because these are tutorial levels. If you are good at micromanaging, research and buy yourself an Accountant to allow yourself to exceed the daily budget.

https://66.media.tumblr.com/7e06878f47b5b0e6f2226b40c4a92362/tumblr_o6wd07Mhcf1sw22mco2_r1_540.png (As you can see the Electric Chair is 1 space down from where it's supposed to be, but so long as it registers in one of the spaces it is okay. Also concrete is my aesthetic.)

Memorising positions of objects doesn't go for the (OPTIONAL) objectives however. You don't need to place the Window and Bookshelf in any place specifically so long as it's inside the cell, and you can also place whatever type of flooring, path, and lights wherever you want. The game wants 2 lights outside, just for reference, and so long as the path is 2 wide and 6 across it will count. You don't need to fill up the room with flooring either, as you can see below.


Place three capacitors on the left side of the Power Station before you do anything else. The power is scripted to go off no matter how many capacitors the Power Station has around it, but at least you can get it out of the way. Build the electricity FROM the Electric Chair TO and THROUGH the cells, and not the other way around. The builders will build it in the order you place it unless you make the job a high priority. You want to make sure the Electric Chair has power before the CEO calls you again. That way you can save time in completing the next objectives. Also be sure to not have your electricity running under the doors of cells so that workers don't have to waste time opening them.

So then test the Electric Chair and the power will drop. All you need to do then is quickly turn the Power Station back on, then the Electric Chair, and that is the end of Death Row.