Mementos Missions Spreadsheet
7 years ago
California, USA

Hey, everyone. I've started a detailed spreadsheet for all Mementos missions based on the IGN Mementos and Requests page as well as some of my own observations. Each mission is listed with its date unlocked, prerequisites, Mementos floor, difficulty, rewards, and enemy information.

While all missions are listed, some columns are incomplete (like Money Dropped from defeating the Shadow), so feel free to add any missing info. Anyone with the link can edit or add info; I also have a backup spreadsheet in case something goes wrong.

Some notes for anyone editing:

  • Please make sure the to note in the EXP Earned column any bonuses from Mishima that might affect the amount you've added. Once we figure out the exact amount that each Mishima bonus increases EXP by, we can use that to find the base EXP.
  • Please make sure the Money Earned column any bonuses that might affect the amount you've added. This included things like if you got Chihaya's Money Reading that day or if you got the bonus from Hifumi's Narikin ability that fight.

Feel free to discuss any further Mementos details in this thread.


Mishima's EXP bonus is 5% for each, rank 3 and 7.

Other than that, this seems like info that has been mostly available on the JP wiki for several months.

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