Can we add a Supernova% category?
2 years ago

I wanna add a Supernova% category to the lists of speedruns. The goal is to see the supernova from each celestial object in Outer Wilds. Meaning you must see it from Ember Twin, Ash Twin, Quantum Moon, Timber Hearth, Brittle Hollow, Hollow's Lantern, Giants Deep (4x, because of each of the modules, which is 3, plus the one while you're on a island, meaning 4), Dark Bramble, Eye of the Universe and Bing Bang.

If it s too much, well only from every planet of the solar system (Ember Twin, Ash Twin, Timber Hearth, Brittle Hollow, Giants Deep and Dark Bramble), including the Bing Bang from the endgame.

Rules must be same as Global, but a bit modified: player can start speedrun at any save, but must do another save when he must see Supernova from Eye of the Universe and/or Bing Bang.

Looks like a bit complicated but easy at the same time: you can sleep at Timber Hearth until 1 minute before supernova, then you must be on the planet or location at the time the supernova starts, or you can sleep when arrived (not for Ash Twin and Hollow's Lantern), then wait for supernova. After have done all except the last one / two, you must start new save and do exactly as if speedrun was a Any%, but you must see Supernova while standing on the location. If it's a bad idea, tell me why, and if you need an example, I will show one in the next weeks on my YouTube channel (don't look at right now, the video's not here).


Hey o/ To suggest new categories and find people who might want to run them you should join the Discord server, we even have a spreadsheet for unofficial categories, if other people are interested then yeah it could become a real category ::D Personally I guess it could be a cool challenge but as a run I don't know how well it would work since you would need to wait most of the run, also I wonder if there would even be time to save between waking up and the supernova since you're forced to wake up close to the end of the loop anyway. But yeah, feel free to run it and prove me wrong ;;)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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2 years ago
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