Any% in 29m 12s by
A minute off unofficial pb. A lot of mistakes, but I’m glad I can finally get on the leaderboard
Real Time Attack
29m 12s

Time splits
Provided by
# | Name | Split | Finished at |
1 | 1-1 | 0m 32s 178ms | 0m 32s 178ms |
2 | 1-2 | 1m 01s 623ms | 1m 33s 801ms |
3 | 1-3 | 0m 50s 405ms | 2m 24s 206ms |
4 | 1-Tower | 1m 01s 911ms | 3m 26s 117ms |
5 | M-1 Gold | 1m 36s 307ms | 5m 02s 424ms |
6 | M-2 Gold | 2m 31s 912ms | 7m 34s 336ms |
7 | Haunted Mansion Gold | 1m 18s 779ms | 8m 53s 115ms |
8 | M-B | 3m 00s 125ms | 11m 53s 240ms |
9 | M-Cannon Skipped | — | — |
10 | Flower Gold | 4m 46s 831ms | 16m 40s 071ms |
11 | 6-1 Gold | 0m 47s 138ms | 17m 27s 209ms |
12 | Haunted Mansion | 1m 28s 753ms | 18m 55s 962ms |
13 | 6-A Gold | 1m 03s 490ms | 19m 59s 452ms |
14 | 6-Tower | 1m 16s 554ms | 21m 16s 006ms |
15 | 6-4 Gold | 1m 05s 247ms | 22m 21s 253ms |
16 | 6-5 Gold | 1m 00s 288ms | 23m 21s 541ms |
17 | 6-Final | 5m 52s 182ms | 29m 13s 723ms |
Twitch Highlights possibly being deleted
I'm sure many have heard the news that Twitch is cracking down on users that have more than 100 hours of uploaded content on Twitch. This affects plenty of speedrunners who might have used Twitch for submissions or simply to store runs. If this change actually comes into effect (April 19th is judgme
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