Yoshi's Story General FAQ
Yoshi's Story General FAQ
Geüpdatet 2 years ago door dansalvato

General FAQ

How do I get started with Yoshi's Story speedrunning?

Yoshi's Story can be run on N64, Wii VC, or Dolphin (emulated Wii VC). The Resources page has a save file that can be used on Wii and Dolphin. The Guides page has video guides covering the basic movement techniques used in runs.

Which console/version of the game should I play?

For any%, N64 and Wii VC are nearly equal in speed, with Wii VC winning by just a couple seconds. For other categories, Wii VC is significantly faster. Wii U VC is the slowest.

What are the categories, "Any%" and "All Melons"?

Any% is the shortest category and requires you only to clear 6 levels and defeat Bowser. All Melons means that you must complete each level by eating melons and nothing else. Each level has exactly 30 melons, oftentimes in hidden locations, so All Melons is considered a higher degree of game completion, even though the game doesn't track any kind of completion percentage.

What are "laps" in the category names?

Since the game ends after finishing only 6 out of the 24 total levels, some runs are multi-lap runs, where you play through the game multiple times, completing different levels each time. A 1-Lap run is just a normal 6-level playthrough. A 4-Lap run includes all 24 levels.

What are the main differences between US and JP versions of the game?

The JP version has its own leaderboard. Most significantly, the JP version does not allow you to reset the game to skip cutscenes. Aside from that, Yoshi's movement mechanics are slightly different, and a few fruit placements are different as well. As of 2021, the US version of the game receives the most attention.

What controller should I use?

This is mostly up to personal preference, but having a good control stick that you're comfortable with is important in this game, because this is a 2D platformer and there is a lot of rapid left/right movement. The GameCube controller works extremely well on Wii VC (and Dolphin, using a Wii U GC adapter). Some people are totally fine with the N64 controller, while others prefer a controller that has more grip on the control stick.

How do I clear my save data between attempts?

Thankfully, you don't have to delete your save file; just go to Options -> Clear Memory -> Continue Data. Then, you're good to go for your next run. If you happen to have black and/or white Yoshi unlocked, they will also need to be eliminated.

Why do you reset after every level?

It skips the level end cutscene, saving ~30 seconds each time. It's safe to reset once the second score screen turns completely black. Any earlier, and you risk resetting before your progress is saved.

How does level progression work in this game? You only play one level per world?

Yes, one level per world. You beat the game after playing 6 levels. By default, in each world, you only have access to level 1. To get levels 2, 3, and 4, you have to collect Power Hearts (the giant red hearts) in the previous world. For instance, in 1-2, you collect one Power Heart to unlock 2-2. Later on, in 4-1, you have to collect two Power Hearts to unlock 5-3.

What's with the fruit roulette at the beginning of the run?

This selects your Lucky Fruit. The Lucky Fruit fully refills Yoshi's health, and there are more Lucky Fruits in a stage than other fruits. In speedrunning, the Lucky Fruit basically only matters when using the fully-optimized 4-1 route in any%, which is not really worth learning until you're getting sub-12 times. So don't worry about which Lucky Fruit you get.

Why green Yoshi?

It takes the shortest amount of time for green Yoshi to run off the screen and start the level.

Official Game Terminology

Lucky Fruit**

The fruit you select on the roulette at the beginning of your playthrough.

Favorite Fruit**

Each Yoshi color has their own "favorite fruit", which restores the most health.

Special Heart**

The giant red hearts that you collect to unlock more levels in the next world.

Super Happy Fruit**

The heart-shaped fruit you eat in order to turn Super Happy.

Super Happy**

In this state, Yoshi is invulnerable, his tongue is twice as long, his flutters are easier, and his ground pounds turn small enemies into fruit.

Speedrun Terminology


One 6-level playthrough of the game. Some runs are multi-lap runs, where you play through the game multiple times, completing different levels each time.

Tongue Jump

A technique where you mash the lick button while jumping, gaining you significant height in your jump.


A technique where you ground pound extremely close to the ground, which cancels the lag normally present after the ground pound. Dustless ground pounds don't produce the usual cloud of dust, hence the name. They can be used to uncover melons and other hidden objects, but normal (laggy) ground pounds are needed for things like turning Shy Guys into fruit and flipping over the elephant.

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