You Have to 100% the Game: YHtWtG 100% routes
You Have to 100% the Game: YHtWtG 100% routes
Geüpdatet 9 years ago door ZZKer

This guide, when complete, will detail a few of the possible routes for a 100% run of You Have to Win the Game. Because this guide is about routing, it will not get into technique descriptions. If you would like to contribute, feel free to start a post in the forums with information you would like to add.

A few things before we get started:

  • Skipping the intro after selecting a difficulty saves 10 seconds. Because of this, it is always faster to skip the intro.
  • This guide will not give info on how to do tricks. The general guide is the right place for that stuff.
  • I didn't make up all the routes here. I am just putting together what we know.
  • This guide is intended for the Steam version. Some routes do not apply to the non-Steam version.
  • Room names in this guide will be underlined for ease of the reader.
  • It is best to look at the map in the resources while reading this guide.

[section=Easy Route(non-Steam Safe)] To be made

[section=Klashik's Route (non-Steam Safe)] To be made

[section=Fast Route] This route is based loosely on Klashik's 19:20 run with two major differences (and a few smaller ones):

  • Hollow King death warp twice and a death warp in the "Forever" room (18s save)
  • dropping from Eden Maw to get bags in jelly rooms below and doing Spike Entry (15s save)

Both changes above have been time tested.

Beginning Skip the intro and walk to the right, jumping down at Treasure Hunt like normal. From here, go to the left towards Hollow King. You will be doing the death warp, and are required to jump over all bells after the bell on Crawl Space. Since this death warp is done twice in the run, you must either reset or do a different route if you hit any of the bells after reaching The Quarry Hub. This is almost exactly like the any% route except that you need to go left at Hollow King to get the bag on Nice of You to Drop In. Go back to Hollow King and go to the right. Get the Cerulean Aura and the bag on Covert Operators. Go down and left, jumping into the pit of spikes on Mind the Gap. If you missed all the bells like you needed to, you will respawn at Crawl Space. Go to the right, heading towards Dire Crab. Go down the hole at Remnants of a Past Unknown, down and right through Don't Get Snippy With Me and past Dire Crab to get the Crimson Aura.

Boots From the Crimson Aura, go up and head left from Castle Rock into Fish Out of Water. Continue left, getting the bag on __ Circular Logic__. Go down and get the bag on Euclid Shrugged. Go left to Falling Into a Greener Life, then right, then left to get the bag on Tower of Regrets. From here, head towards Green Man by heading left. At this point, you can get the bag at the bottom of Don't Be Hasty and death warp on the spikes back to Obvious Movie Quote. However, if you are scared of jumping over those spikes, you can get it later when you come back through here with boots and gloves. Keep going right through the portal, then down and then to the left, getting the bag on The Crab Cake Is a Lie. There is no main deviation here from the path to the boots. After getting the boots, go through the portal and head right towards the gloves.

Floating Platforms Jump up the platforms at Fungal Forest. Grab the bag on The Proper Motivation. On Remnants of a Past Unknown, jump from the left, red platform to the fallthrough platforms. Jump up 2 platforms then double jump right onto the mushroom. Head right till you see the screen Cave Painting, then head back left, grabbing the bag on Shelter From the Storm. Head left across the platforms until you grab the bag on Cognitive Resonance, then head back right. Don't forget to get the bag on Precarious Footholds. Double jump up the first mushroom on Transplants and up and right towards Hollow King Transformed.

Gloves The majority of the Spider Gloves area is done in this first run through, minus Worth It? which can be done later for a slightly faster time. Start off by getting the bag on Vestibule and jumping up to get the lower bag on Attic Storeroom. Jump back down and head right, past Hollow King Transformed and get the Spider Gloves. Go up and around, getting the bag on An Even 0x80 and the heart on The Floor Is Lava. Hit the bell on Clarity Comes in Waves, head left, get the upper bag on Attic Storeroom, and death warp on the spikes below. Head down and get the bag on Great Hall. Leave this area out the left.

From here, you can either do After Gloves A or B and the other after the second time you leave Eden Maw.

After Gloves A Head up towards Leap of Faith, get the heart on that screen, and fall through the portal below. Go through and get the two hearts on Secret Cat Level. When jumping out the portal, head right, then down and left out of Functional Spelaeology. Grab the bag on Bat Cave. Grab the bag on Contrived Lock/Key Mechanisms. Double/wall jump up on Tower of Sorrows to grab the bag and head left. Enter the screen You Definitely Shouldn't Go Left and exit back to the tower, heading down and left towards Green Man. If you didn't get it before, get the bag at the bottom of Don't Be Hasty.

Green Man Visit 2 [small](After Gloves A)[/small] After entering the portal, head right. Grab the bag on Aqueous Humor and continue on to the bag on Like Ivy, Twisting. Through the portal, drop down at the edge, moving right exactly two tiles to grab the bag on Secret Passage. Double jump over the water, and head up the backside of the wall using double/wall jumps. Jump up and then right to get the bag on Avalon Calling. Continue right to get the next screen and drop down, heading towards Green Man. Go down on Mine Shaft and get the two bags on Forgotten Tunnels. Head around and down and get the bag on Hidden Crevasse. Head back and get the bag on Descent, followed by the bag on The Arbitrarium. Die on the spider and leave the Green Man area through the portal on Back to the Surface.

Spike Entry Ending [small](After Gloves A)[/small] Get the bell and do Spike Entry up the right side. Head up towards Taking the Long Way, getting the bag on that screen. Get the bag on Danger, and then the one on Treasure Hunt. Head up and right to get the 2nd bag on Taking the Long Way. Head left and get the bag on Playing With Fire. Head up through Prawns, and do the loop that gives you the bag on The Coin and the Courage. Head up towards the end of the game. Make sure to get bag on Hardcore Prawn before going past the Point of No Return.

Lose and Start Over Make sure to grab the bag on the Lose screen before grabbing the Lose Aura. After respawning, do the any% route all the way to the Green Man death warp. This includes not hitting any bells after Crawl Space so as to death warp after getting the Cerulean Aura and not hitting any bells after jumping up to the bell on Castle Rock so as to death warp after getting boots. From Castle Rock (after boots), jump up and to the right, going all the way to The Loneliest Corner screen, and back to the left and up towards the gloves, getting the bag on Remnants of a Past Unknown on the way. After getting the gloves, head down into Worth It? and get the bag on Not Worth It!. Upon exiting the portal immediately go left and out of the area. Doing Worth It? now should save a few seconds over doing it earlier in the run (not tested).

From here, you should do After Gloves A or B, whichever you didn't do earlier.

After Gloves B Jump down from Eden Maw to Castle Rock and head left. Jump over the bell on Prawn Shot First, grab the bag, and death warp back to Fish Out of Water. Head right, hitting the bell on the way, get the bag on Uncertain Semiotics, and death warp back to the bell on Castle Rock. Jump down and get the bag on Abandoned Alcove. Jump through the portal and head left.

Hollow King Visit 2 [small](After Gloves B)[/small] If you can do the edge spike jump on Leaps and Bounds, go for the bag on Hops and Skips before heading left towards the Hollow King area. Otherwise, you'll do it later. Go down The Quarry Hub to Pit Stop. This next section requires you to get 5 bags without dying or hitting a bell. Grab the bag on Pit Stop. Head right and grab the bag on Obvious Movie Quote. head right and up and then left to get the bag on Cave In. Head right across the spikes and down to get the bag on Don't Be Hasty. Jump back up and head right. Avoid the bell and grab the bag on Never Could See Any Other Way. Die on the side spikes to death warp back to Pit Stop. Jump up and head left and then down, missing the bell on I Wonder Where This Goes. Get the bag on Mind the Gap, and die on the bat to death warp back to Covert Operators. Head up to the bag on Maps and Legends. Jump back down and then head up The Quarry Hub and to the right to get the top bag on Covert Operators, then up and right to get the bag on Yggdrasil. Head right and get the bag on Artisan Stone Walls. Head up and around to get the heart on Hydra Is Myth and the two bags on __ Arcane Vocabulary__. Head back right, getting the bag on Hops and Skips if you didn't get it already.

Bridge and Tree Ending [small](After Gloves B)[/small] Go through the spike fall and head right, getting the bag on Subterranea. Jump up through Swimming Upstream, and hit the bell. We usually get the bag on Snake, It's a Snake before getting the one on Swimming Upstream, though you can get either in whatever order, dying to the spikes below the fish for a quick respawn back at the bell. Head right and do Bridge on the left side. Head right towards the start. Get the bag on KISS Principle. Jump up the tree, getting the bag on You Have to Start the Game. Go up all the way around to the end of the game.

You Win the Game If you did it all right, you should have 99% at this point. Put in the password and hit the Win Aura at 100% completion. Congrats! You won the game using the fastest (in theory) route available!

[section=Kill Command Route] To be made.

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