All-Encounters% Category
2 years ago
Maryland, USA

Creating this thread for generally discussing ideas, routing, tech for the All-Encounters category. Here's a video I did showing some attempts to manip the hairy beastmen encounter at the camp. If you get the movement just right, you can cluster them into a couple of groups (maybe you can get them all in one? not sure) and zap them quickly with the Wand of Lightning. When going around the campfire, you need to go to the right - going left will trigger the battle. But if you hook around the fire, go off to the woods in the right, and then head south, you can escape and draw them out of the camp.


This category is much easier cheesed by the wand than I had originally anticipated...

Bewerkt door de auteur 2 years ago
Maryland, USA

It's extremely RNG-dependent. It's similar to No-Hide%, except you also get to spend the entire first half of the run praying the wand doesn't break. And yeah, definitely surprised at how quickly we "solved" the run and how low the time is.

Agreed – not for the short-tempered : )

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