Thinking About All Secrets
1 year ago
Colorado, USA

The original idea of All Secrets was supposed to be shy of 100% given 100% wants you to buy all clothing and cars as well as unlocking everything, and all Secrets just wanted you to unlock everything.

But we're kinda at a point where tasks and jobs are objectives and not really "secrets", so I'm thinking maybe an update to the category is in order. Problem is, I can only think of a few "secrets" off-hand to make a checklist of, so I'll have to sit down and figure that out later. Actually, on that same note 'All possible Objectives" may also need a bit of a revamp, since objectives are now actually established more than they were when the categories were created.

idk, kinda throwing my thoughts out there. In case I decide to act upon my thoughts, so no one is jumped from it.

All jobs, get a house, and 100% are fine tho.


You're right about what constitutes as secrets being different now. On the wiki I decided to remove the section on rewards for completing museum collections from the secrets page because I came to the conclusion that completing the museum wasn't really secret enough. Mission/Task rewards too with that.

Would secrets be considered as every outfit/pet/vehicle that doesn't come directly from a job, task, or able to be bought? Would have to exclude the seasonal outfits of course, but other than that it does have a good few things to grab. If you ever want to go through a list together I have many thoughts. All Possible Objectives also could use some definition with all the tasks that there are now as official 'objectives'. All of them are relatively easy to do in one big chunk, but one of them being catching all the different fish they are is the most cursed one for sure. Kinda similar structure as All Jobs tbh, with it's own challenges because of needing to afford clothing/props for certain ones, or how a night needs to pass/game needing to be save/exited to trigger the next Detective mission.

Sorry to also dump my thoughts, but I hope it gives yours credence.

Colorado, USA

Yeah, I was thinking secrets might be anything that doesn't come from a task or job, so things like the sword in the rain, the giant crab, the sloth, the dinosaur, etc.

I'm unsure if I should count the pets for that process as well. Still deciding on that.


For ref, these are the pets I have noted as 'secrets'. Defined by the whole not task or museum collection related or buyable. What do you think?

Arizona, USA

I would run this category, I'm just worried about the super yacht. It's what you get for collecting every type of fish in the game. It took me about 5-8 hours to get all of the types of fish and there wasn't much else to it, it sucks. I don't think it's a secret though since it's not hidden (the game has a fish encyclopedia) and the steam achievement isn't hidden.


To be fair, I would consider it on the same 'secret' level as the UFO as well. Its a task reward technically, which doesnt make it a secret, just trickier to get compared to other task rewards

Colorado, USA

The Egg UFO I would think is a secret though.


Ok, little clarifications/confirmation on secret things.

Definitely excludes:

  • Job completion rewards
  • Task completion rewards
  • Anything purchasable from clothing, vehicle, or pet shops
  • Museum collection completion rewards
  • Christmas Seasonal Event rewards

This leaves a couple little things.

  1. Some things can only be found by starting the mission but aren't necessary to complete it, for example, the Sofa Car for A Sleepy Adventure, the Hamster Ball for The Lost Scientists/Repair The UFO, and the Gemstone Hat for An Ancient Mystery. Since the UFEgg was brought up I imagine that things like that are therefore confirmed as Secrets.
  2. Do things referenced in the achievements count? The Ghost pet, and technically the Monster pet are unlocked along with an achievement, so does that mean that they aren't secret enough? Personally, I think they still are, but I want to hear for sure or not.
  3. Does the Quiz outfit count as a secret, since you could play the quiz a dozen times without getting it as a prize?
  4. The Water Balloon Tank is technically from a variant of the Fire Fighter job at the Jungle Military Base, but it's harder to start due to only being available at certain times. I interpret it as obscure enough to be a secret, but, again, thoughts? Similar territory to the Alien Outfit since it's only from a pizza job from a specific time I suppose.
  5. Finally, do present rewards count as secrets? Feels like half the list of secrets are these.

Despite seeming like a potential mission in every way, the sword puzzle and its rewards should still count as a secret, right? It's the kind of thing that I do wonder might potentially change in the future, like how Finding Proof of Aliens and Find The Baby Spider were retconned as tasks, but for now, probably fine. Hoping the Dancing Crab hat secret never does either.

Been messing around with a split order for a Secrets run but want to be sure all the right bases are covered :)

Bewerkt door de auteur 1 year ago
Colorado, USA
  1. So yeah, I would definitely count those as secrets as they are not task objectives.

  2. I would say things like the ghost pet are, but any pet that's unlocked through museum unlocks we can leave out from the run. Same goes for the fishing boat, we don't need to do that since that's a task reward.

  3. The quiz outfit is a bit up in the air, you do make a good point that it's not technically a job outfit, so we could include it, but I do worry that'd make the run a little too RNG based at higher level. So I suppose that can still be up for debate and I'm willing to hear what you think.

  4. If we count the quiz outfit, for the same reason we would then count the alien pizza and water balloon tank jobs.

  5. Presents absolutely count, there's not really much reason for them not to.

  6. The sword and crab are both absolutely secrets until further notice. I was actually considering if it'd be worth going into the weather task to do the sword because of that, but that may be more of an "all unlockables" or "100%" routing strat over just an all secrets one, idk though.

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