Global Emulator
9 years ago

Hey guys, HaosEdge here. I was wondering if you guys think that it could make sense to establish a single NES emulator as 'valid'. Now of course emulators are never going to be 100% accurate compared to the original console, but the emulator times could at least be compared with themselves, if we are all using the same emulator, that is. The speedrunslive website states the FCEUX (ver. 2.2.0) as one emulator they allow people to use for runs, which leads me to believe, that the FCEUX has to be at least somewhat accurate. So that's the emulator I used. I think guyanil is using Nestopia (?) and I am pretty sure that BizHawk could be used as well. So again - does anyone think we should just set one of those emulators as a standard, so emulator times can be compared with each other? And if so, which one?

Cheers, HaosEdge

New York, USA

Hey, sorry for not responding, I didn't notice this post until just now. I think a standard emulator is a great idea, and I'm fine with whichever you feel is best. I'm extremely, extremely new to the whole speedrunning world and I'm not particularly computer savvy, so I don't know any of the differences between emulators. I used Nestopia since that was the emulator I was able to set up along with my timer to get a recording. So if you would like to establish a standard (and since you seem to know much more than me on the subject), just let me know which you think is best, and I'll use that one and figure out how to set it up. Take care.


Well then, welcome to speedrunning first of all! :) I know this sounds just really lazy from my side, but I'd prefer using the FCEUX 2.2.0 emulator. Not because it's the one I have set up and running on my end already, but because it's the recommended one from SpeedRunsLive. There is no reason we shouldn't trust their judgement, on what emulator is the 'best'. Also - I used the Nestopia before I got to the FCEUX, and I must say I enjoy playing on the FCEUX much more, it's a lot more optimized in my opinion.

If for some reason, you are not able to record with the FCEUX, make sure to let me know, we will then figure something out.

Cheers, HaosEdge

New York, USA

I have FCEUX 2.2.0 all set up, and everything seems to be in working order. I'll use that from now on. Thanks for your suggestion and help. Take it easy.

New York, USA

Sorry for the repeat post/required verification. I did this on emulator (FCEUX) and figured clicking the box for it wouldn't require any further action. Guess I was wrong :/.


So what's the final verdict? As I understand it from the rules, emulators not allowed for leaderboard?

HaosEdge vinden dit leuk

And if so, is there a emulator leaderboard?


You can submit a run thats been performed on an Emulator for sure. Just make sure you include which one exactly you are using! Not being able to play on the original hardware shouldn't lock you out from running a game.

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