Recent downpatching method not working
1 month ago
United States

Basically, title.

Was looking into doing runs for this game. However, Steam Console is not allowing me to get the downpatched version, saying access denied.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? I can provide a video if need be.

Thanks in advance!

Oregon, USA
She/Her, They/Them
1 month ago

I'm sorry that's happening. Could you provide a video? I'm really not sure why that would be happening, but a video might help someone spot the problem.

Oh and just a heads up downpatching is not needed. It's helpful for some runs but it's not necessary!

If you really wanna downpatch use depot downloader instead of the steam console. I'm pretty sure steam blocked using the console to download depots like that recently so it no longer works (but I could be wrong about this so take it with a grain of salt). I'll probably update my guide to show how to get the newest optimal version with depot downloader soon if I don't forget.

skyyy_1736 en Lettuce_Seeds vindt dit leuk
United States

I see, thank you! Ill try that next