These are the current Rules & Settings for running Warlords: They are of course open for discussion
Rules for Warlords 51%
- Difficulty (your choice - I recommend Knight)
- Human Players = 1
- AI-Players = 7
- All runs have to be saveless runs
- Timer starts = Clicking on O.K.
- Timer stops = Accepting Peace-Offer
Winning condition: Capture more then 50% of all Strongholds. In general you need 41 of 80 Strongholds to win.
Optional: Please also capture your end statistics after you accepted the surrender of your opponents to keep track of the overall turns you needed to win - a not must.
I think we need to add rule that save/load not allowed during run. It's very easy to abuse that possibility and save before the key battles or rolling dragons/wizards at ruins. That way runs turns in a lottery "who roll the dragons faster".
Selfishly, as I believe I just submitted a run that did it, it would be nice if there was an additional category that was simply the fastest time no matter what kingdom is used.