All classes ranked
All classes ranked
Geüpdatet 1 year ago door Chested_Armor

The 4 playable classes are ranked in 3 categories. Damage, Speed and Valve-skipping.

Damage is important to get through the "KILL THEM ALL" sections and Boss fights and every abilitly that gives you bonus damage together with your weapons is vital

Speed is how fast you can get through each level. Your main tools are jumping, dashing and gun jumping (extra boost with weapon knockback). Any ability that gives you just a little bit of extra speed can cut a lot time.

Valve-skipping is how fast you can turn valves to open doors, without being interrupted by enemies. Killing takes time, so every tool that stuns or distracts enemies help you to skip several combat encounters.

C - TIER: Wierdboy His main upside is stunning, either with his grenade (which deals no damage) or his meele. This sounds first great to stun all enemies to skip valves without a fight, but his grenade is too short lived to catch the waves of enemies and his meele takes too much time. With no damage or speed bonus and a mediocre way to skip valves he's without a question the worst pick

B- TIER: Beastboy Nobody can skip valves better than him with his squig-grenade distracting all enemies. If you manage to master the art of his squig-grenades you can save a lot of time. His spears are also a good way to fill the last bit of WAGH if you need to reload otherwise. Sadly he lacks in noticable bonus damage or bonus speed.

Stormboy His dash sets enemies on fire and goes farther than any other, giving free damage to everything he can go into close combat with. His grenades also allow burst damage and ludacrisly fast WAGH build-up. Sadly he lacks any efficient way to skip valves faster.

A-TIER: Flashgit He got it all. Bonus damage through the free shots allows quick swapping with the rocket launcher and almost no reloading, like EVER. Bonus speed with the free shots through the bigger clip of the Snazzgun allows far greater gun jumping without any reload than the other classes. And lastly his lingering fire-grenade is only beat by the squigg-grenade in terms of valve skipping, when placed well AND builds up your Wagh-meter ridicoulusly fast when you stand in it. The only upside is that you have to rely on RNG for free shots, making him very inconsistent.

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