New Categories
5 years ago
New Mexico, USA

Hello, everyone! I'm Venuminostrates (Ven, Venu, or Venum is fine). I'm an old veteran of this game with a ton of knowledge and experience. I'm mainly active as a helper on steam forums, and as a guide writer in the same location. I think I'm also the only member of the community who regularly streams this game. I think there's a lot of potential for speed running in Vran, but never bothered to get into it myself. I wasn't aware of the speed running scene for Vran until about a week ago, but I have some suggestions for categories, if you're interested.

Also, I'm willing to moderate for the Victor Vran here on the site, if that's acceptable. I have previous moderation experience, and I'm a moderator for the Gauntlet 2014 official discord, where we post up challenges for members, judge their videos, and award them discord roles in a timely fashion, which is much of the same thing as is done here.

Some things to note before my suggestions:

  1. They've changed the way the menu works with the addition of expansions. The timer should start when you click Zagoravia, not play. Or simply start a split second before the first loading screen. You can still start when hitting play if you change worlds first, which allows you to go straight into fractured worlds for the stash. But I think the first loading screen is an easier measurement.

  2. For the co-op categories, I would suggest opening them up to multiple players, (not just two). Monsters increase in health with more players. It is easy if people coordinate, but that's extremely rare in this game. Coordination is still mostly theoretical at this point because there are so few instances of people actually trying to do it. Hell if this made me see groups larger than two again, that would be amazing.

  3. I wouldn't bother with a motorhead category, as there are ways to cheese that and beat it within minutes. Although maybe that could be fun for short runs.

Okay, what follows are my suggestions for editing, condensing, and/or creating new and existing categories. I'll go ahead and list them out in full first, then go into an explanation below.

-Use of in-game stash is not allowed. -No one can join you at any time.

Any% NG+ Gabriel The current Any% NG+, ending at Gabriel, same rules as above except in-game stash is usuable.

-Use of in-game stash is not allowed. -No one can join you at any time.

Any% NG+ Same as above, but use of stash is allowed.

Any% Hardcore Hard This one will be fun! Same rules as Any%, but you have to start your game in Hardcore and Hard mode.

Any% NG+ Hardcore Hard Same as above, but access to Stash.

Any% Full Clear As any% but with all challenges (normal and elite), and the challenges in the fracture tiers. You could do a NG+ of this as well. Suggested Rules: -Timer Starts when you select either Motorhead, Zagoravia, or Fractured Worlds and the first loading screen appears. -Requirements: Gabriel slain, Queen of the Damned slain, and Reaching the end of Tier 50. All Challenges (both normal and elite) must be finished in Zagoravia, Motorhead, and on each Tier in the Fracture, including the ones for tier 50. -Time Stops when the last requirement is finished.

Something to note about challenges. Elite challenges are unlocked in each expansion for beating the end bosses (Gabriel and Queen of the Damned). It is technically possible to do them early (before beating them), but it's hard to confirm in a video. They can do them earlier, but they have to be able to show the confirmation to the mods by showing the completed stars and skulls.

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