Any% in 52m 43s by

This run uses an earlier patch of the game that had worse lag collision checks. Lag is stimulated through Window Dragging, which lets you clip through semi-solid actors like doors and thinner metal bars. This run uses a secret code to unlock the debug features of quicksaves (spawns a savepoint at Vernal's Position) and quickload (initiates a load to your current save at ANY point). Obviously, this is extremely extremely broken. Some tech with Quicksave/Quickload include: Load Dashes Anywhere: Quicksave at a spot, then quickload, jump and dash to get a load dash at any point! Load Jumps: Technically possible with just loading a save file normally, but due to Reasons, Vernal is considered grounded when she first loads into a room. Due to this, she can jump in midair. Frame perfect, I think? but easy to retry. Double Loads: Going into a load zone (includes entering your airship and opening doors, and cutscenes transitioning you to a new room) and quick loading as you activate the load trigger will cause the game to place Vernal in whatever room you've last saved in, with varying results. Usually, the stacked loads will cause the game to try to load her in an invalid entrance, causing her to spawn at X,Y coordinates (0,50). Usually this will not do anything useful, as she will be infinitely crushed until you reload, but with the glitchy properties of left facing walls OOB, you can use said walls to zip oob. Sometimes, the entrance will be a valid one however, which lets you go straight into Tower of Battle. Quickload Spam OOB: You can spam quickload + forward to get Vernal OOB through letting her pass through loading triggers. Herbicide OOB: Herbicide has this strange property of disabling all triggers in a map. Normally not useful due to the trigger disabling being permanent for that room until a reload or death, but useful here due to quicksave spawned save points not being disabled.

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