I saw the extension page, I’ll have to start some testing and now I need to make sure all my stuff is leveled.
I knew it was mostly obsolete at this point, just want to know what I can and can’t do in a run.
Any% NG+ Glitchless (regular/hard) We used to have one, there is one glitchless category but it seems like NG runs.
Some cutscenes are skippable but not all for whatever reason. And I asked about specific dialog scene that is more of a classic cut scene and it’s really just a loading screen in disguise if that is allowed or not. Unclear rules don’t help. I can cut like 5-10 minutes of those dialog scenes out if this is allowed, I assumed it wasn’t. Hence why I’m asking for clarification.
Is it legal to skip the branches of the world tree cut scenes (loading) dialog via a checkpoint reset? Isn’t this skipping a cutscene by reloading a save? Checkpoints are just auto saves after all. I ask because I thought this was against the rules but I’m seeing it in videos posted for peoples runs including the WR. This saves a number of minutes over a run, so if it is legal all cool, however it seems like the rule for skipping cutscenes is for this exact thing.
Not that it would be easy for new comers, but I do Lv1 Valkyrie fights on GMGOW. Strip your gear down until i you are level 1 then fight. Works in NG and NG+, couple of the fights aren’t doable at lv1 however. Kara is killable in NG but not + (at least I was never able to, she never stops summoning adds, gets too crowded), the one in Nieflheim cannot be done in either at lv1 due to the poison mist. All others can be including the Queen.
Doing a lv1 full run is possible even on GMGOW though a huge pain in the ass and would take a long time.
Also possible is a No Skills run. Never buy any thing with xp. Easier than the lv1 run.
Or a no runic run. Not difficult overall, lower barrier to entry.