Swedensviking5 years ago

The single levels leaderboard for SA/SO still use other than standard equipment for the missions, this should in my opinion be separated aswell. SA/SO/SE or something for silent assassin suit only standard equipment. I dont mean to cause trouble its just thats what i myself have started to practice, and i just checked nightcall and see a flashbang and a rubberduck on the SASO 1st place

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Swedensviking5 years ago

Ok so idk exactly why but i made livesplit stay ontop ONCE, then after starting the game again and restarting livesplit it just WONT go back on top, ME doesnt give a shit what i want and just sits ontop like a dom, please help if you can, i dont have the luxury of two screens yet, which im starting to feel is a vital part of speedrunning anything since shit just wont work half of the time, Pc gaming in a nutshell

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5 years ago
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