topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Wait then if the one I have now is fine then why aren't commands that start with "tas" appearing? edit wait nevermind im stupid I think when I learned of those commands I forgot to load spt so I thought other commands worked but tas commands didn't

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Sadly I don't have discord so I can't do that. What are you saying should be fine? the one I have right now or the version he sent me?

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Is there a reason it's not named spt.dll? Also you could probably link me to the github link of YaLTeR so I can be sure it's not a virus. Not that im saying you're trying to send me a virus, but just to be safe. Right now im using the "spt.dll" from

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

I got spt yesterday, I should have the newest version. I even had to redownload it because the _y_spt commands weren't there (y_spt was working)

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

I'm trying to TAS portal, not well obviously but I want to make a TAS that im happy with, and for some reason all commands that start with "tas_" aren't showing up. I did plugin_load spt and other commands work, but tas commands aren't there. Does anyone know why this is happening/how to fix it?

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Eh I'm trying to move to portal elevators because my friend is running that and there's less downtime so I might just not submit another run then (to glitchless at least because im too lazy to download the auto demo recorder, still going to submit inbounds no sla probably). At least portal 2 has built in demos which means my laziness won't stop me.

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

I really don't think the last one was a superthrow, I think with the angle and me moving forwards and jumping it would've overshot, and I only heard the sound of picking it up in the second to last one. I don't have demos for this so is the only solution to get another PB or submit my first glitchless run?

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Wait is there different map design slightly on console? If so it's definitely allowed, as it's not stated in the rules

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

I rewatched chamber 13 and I heard the use sound on the second to last throw, and also it didn't go any further than a normal throw, if you go into the game, look at a 45 degree angle, walk forwards and jump it can overshoot, not all the time but sometimes, so I don't think I did super throw.

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

My run just got rejected because of a superthrow I did in 13, when I didn't do a super throw, what should I do about this? (video is here if u wanna see it )

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

That is not a glitch as it is not in the rules for glitchless, but if you go in game and try it you can't do it because right next to the door isn't portalable, but next to the fizzler is. You can't shoot any portalable surfaces, so it's not a strat or a glitch. If im wrong correct me though because that would save alot of time and would probably be a world record

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

The thing is I can't do a bunch of runs at once, I get tired after just one run lol, and I feel less tired after a coop run with my cousin, which makes it hard to do lots of runs and see what I can do better.

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Yeah I know it could be improved, I didn't learn any strats, only knew from bad no sla strats and watching ripper_pheonix, zoochable, and ericpr46 on twitch. In e02 the turret wasn't aiming at me when under the platform for the last 2 cores, had a low fps, and 16... Well I didn't do any strats, just intended, then at the end I died and forgot to save so I had to wait for the dialogue again. Probably could've been a 24-26 if I had done those 2 things better, and not done 08 intended.

Also I hate 18 glitchless more than 17 now because for some reason I couldn't shoot through the gap in the door when the camera was keeping it open.

linny356 vinden dit leuk
topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Okay so 12 cube throw is gonna be alot easier next no sla run. Also I did a glitchless run, got 27:27.82, but of course obs didn't start recording when I clicked the button :|, but is that good for my first run?

linny356 vinden dit leuk
topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

Ok so basically you start crouched, then uncrouch and throw it? I thought it was just left clicking for some reason because for a while I didn't know that threw it further than E lol

topic: Portal
spidernh4 years ago

I'm thinking about running glitchless (currently run no sla) and the rules say super object throw is a glitch. I'm not sure what that is, so I might know how to do it but don't know that so I accidentally do it in a run. I would also wanna do it in no sla because im guessing it's a good cube throw so could someone tell me what it is and how to do it? I also checked resources and the speedrunning doc and couldn't figure out what it is.

tldr is I wanna know what super object throw is and how to do it because I can't find it anywhere online.

linny356 vinden dit leuk
Over spidernh
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