Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

Technically you can hold R on Eden, there is just a block in the code loop for resetting on that character ID. I'm more than happy to release the tool if anyone else is interested in it. I'll even go as far as cleaning it up and potentially making the hotkey to turn it on/off customization (highly unlikely, that's a lot more work). But I can take a poll on what people would like and so on. I think this is kind of blowing what he's doing out of proportion, as he was specifically going for a single char only, where I think almost every one of the other runs posted were from multi-char runs. While he is going specifically for the 1 char record, that means he's probably spending more time than most people do on the character honestly, since he's only looking to go for specific synergies, not ones that will get him a 10-15 minute run, which are far more likely to show up.

To be fair, I also think MissingHUD should be removed as it's actively pushing code injection throughout the entirety of a run. Again, this isn't against you Pibo, but if you want to talk about this kind of thing, this is a valid argument. Previously I brought this up and you claimed if MissingHUD was removed, we should remove the item tracker. However, now that AB has an in-game HUD, this argument seems pretty pointless, since the in-game HUD shows you exactly what you'd D4 into, or what your Eden char starts with. The item tracker also makes validating a run much easier. It is also NOT using code injection or reading memory. If you're okay with MissingHUD but not okay with anything like this, it seems like you're just trying to make an argument to argue. If you're not okay with MissingHUD after this, I will invalidate your runs, and you are free to run them again without MissingHUD in it.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

Are you sure that's the case Krakenos? I don't remember an option in the config.ini to remove cutscenes. It was to handle graphics options.

Here is the current config.ini that Zam has included in his mods. If one of those options correlates to what you're referring to, please let me know which, because as far as I know the only way to remove the scenes in between is to edit other files (cutscenes.xml --

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

I don't agree, in the end what's the difference between this and someone holding the R button? There's absolutely no competitive edge gained through this method.

You cannot hold R on Eden. For resets you have to exit and restart a run due to the mechanic of "using" an Eden Token obtained each time you kill It Lives!. To be honest I'm kind of surprised it worked for Rebirth. I would have figured the code injection would have changed between the DLC but apparently not?

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

I think the resetting for items is fine, as long as the seed is run without quitting from the game. I saw Zam had found a "good" seed, left the game immediately then ran the seed on a different file to optimize it. When satisfied with how to run it, he then continued the original game where he "found" the seed and submitted that. I'm assuming that is kind of against an unseeded ruleset in that he at some point did type in the seed to run it. This would also require the person doing this to be in front of it the whole time, just removing the keystrokes. I would assume timing would still start at the same frame (the banner loading in), so if you aren't paying attention you'll lose the time it takes you to see it.

The eden reset tool removes the block in code that is enforced for the Eden ID. All characters use the same reset function, however there is a block specifically for Eden. eur0pa originally posted about this on reddit, and I took the chance to make it into a ¤functioning¤ tool that you can turn on/off with a hotkey. See link

The only thing it does do is remove the need for eden tokens (no tokens are removed when using it), which is arbitrary and I don't think it really matters.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

One thing about a "valid" run. I believe that in order for the run to be considered valid, the video submitted needs to show either the run starting at "new run" or at least a single reset. This is to avoid people who will attempt to use scripts/programs to farm seeds for specific things, run it on a different save file, then go back to the save file where the original seed was found and start from there.

I can also release the eden reset file if anyone is interested. I did it once as a thing and Zamiell asked me for it.

Krakenos vinden dit leuk
Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

When he asked me for the "hold r for reset" file I created I told him this didn't seem right after he gave me his plan. I also told at some point while he was streaming that it'll be brought up on the forums and more than likely removed as, if nothing else, goes entirely against the spirit of the game. Not much more to say about it. People who upload runs like this will have them removed. The 1char category isn't one that anyone grinds for though, so it shouldn't be a big deal in the future.

The reason he was able to remove the achievement logo was he grabbed the seed, went to a new save file and ran the seed. Then went back to the original and continued.

SketchyJJ, Antizoubilamaka en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

I stated I was cherry picking, figured you'd be able to take that and understand what it meant. I'd been messaged me to let me know they re-timed it and that the 5:40 you stated was wrong. The "no factual content" was based on that, along with you saying that the only rule was "chest" meanwhile each category had more in it. If you had a question about the rules, you're free to ask for them to be clarified. I guess you're also free to criticize. But it's on you to make the decision of where you go. Showing up with perceived hostility usually gets returned with it. I personally think my own advice is better than Zamiell's -- The only thing that matters is how what you say is perceived --

As for why I am a mod here? I have ~2000 hours in the game and I was part of/am part of the racing community. I do not speedrun the game categories on here. I personally spend a lot of extra time that I probably shouldn't giving back to the community between helping with tournaments or verifying things about the game itself. I believe that is why Hyphenated made me a mod. I also like a good meme.

If you really think this community is so terrible, I'll tell you what I've told other people who share the same sentiment. Why show up to a community or community events that you don't like? This is serious question I think about every time someone talks crap about the Isaac community. I am genuinely interested in the answer to this.

If you want to make positive change, that's great. We love community discussions about rules and things that should be allowed/disallowed. Find people who run the game a lot, watch their streams, etc. Making a post that is flagrant doesn't really help anyone. If you want some recommendations about who to watch, we'll gladly make those.

And to the 1char WR, my understanding is it's just a meme-fest as no one really just runs "1char". It's there so you can post to a single char time out of your multi-char run.

My only other real question would be whether or not you read through any of the other posts on the forum. Or just immediately decided to make this post.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

I just wanted to cherry pick and comment on a few things.

  1. The title is 100% accurate.
  2. Lack of information in rules almost forces community chatter to get an understanding. Isn't that better? Or is it better to just give everyone as much information as possible without interacting with anyone? Never mind, see point A.
  3. To point B, when I double checked the rules, the "chest" you claim is the only word in the rules section is just plain wrong. I will even go so far as to quote the rules right here: 1¤ chest. fully unlocked file. if you start an eden's blessing, you measure time from the start of the run that took the eden's blessing. 7¤ chest. original 7 characters in any order. fully unlocked file. if you start an eden's blessing, you measure time from the start of the run that took the eden's blessing. 11¤ chest. all characters but lost and keeper, in any order. fully unlocked file. if you start an eden's blessing, you measure time from the start of the run that took the eden's blessing.

I think you get the point I'm trying to make. Posting so aggressively without factual content just makes people not take your post seriously. However if you had introduced yourself and made comments that didn't give "you are all bad at this" vibe, maybe you'd have more comments with the 50+ views on this thread at the time of this post. Also, Hyphenated, and myself, have been called out for being mods in a game that we don't run. But would you want the judge of a case where you accidentally killed someone to be the father or mother of the person you killed? Or just be some random person who has never heard of you before?

bmzloop vinden dit leuk
Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

People could technically submit scores to the older patches (if you can get them installed via Steam correctly) if they want.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

There are now way too many things going on and some people are replying with hostility it seems. At this point the only replies should be whether allowing the overflow mechanic (regardless of save file status) to be allowed or not since things are going way off topic.

If someone wants to begin a vote on other things to ban, please make a new thread with 1 specific thing in it. Also if you don't plan on ever actually running the game, I don't think you should be replying in these threads (eg. stream viewers). This is why my vote doesn't matter on these things and I am only here to do moderation and/or bring points to the table for people to discuss.


Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

I think we are capable of talking about both of them. One of them is a mechanic of the game (overflow) while the other is not a mechanic of the game (read-only). As Pibo said, you can create 3 save files as well, so if even if I don't set the file to read only, you can easily jump to the next file while using the overflow. There was another point brought up about replacing the save file mid-run to deal with the donation machine.

I don't think it matters when or if I saw it used. The fact that it exists should be a thing that has to be taken into consideration when we're talking about banning something. Your opinion on this has been noted and we'll continue to wait for more views on the topic as there are only 3 actual responses so far.

Pibo, I am NOT for banning MissingHUD is my point. I am not for banning ANY of this personally. I think if we use an Item Tracker (for the above reasons) you should be able to use other things. If the game is supposed to be run vanilla, then there would be no external things helping. The issue there becomes the item tracker is 100% not enforceable as it runs external to the game and reads an external file that someone doesn't have to put on their stream.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

Pibonacci, if that's the case, your run with MissingHUD should also be invalidated (I'm singling you out, I just happened to watch your run as it was the latest submitted in 7char, this would go for anyone who has it installed), as you're using a code injection DLL which is also NOT part of the game. While my opinion of MissingHUD is that it dumbs down the game (you can use the D8 and know instantly how good it was, if it was bad you can roll again until you're happy), I don't think it should invalidate a run.

I also think there are 2 discussions brought up here. Allowing read-only files (which has been a thing since Rebirth so you don't have to refill the donation machines) and using the overflow strat, which itself is "part of the game". I think we need to have the discussion on both of these issues on their own.

Starting to ban things that are actually mechanics of the game becomes a slippery slope that I don't think we should start on personally. I also have plenty of rules I'd like to implement that would probably destroy runs if we are going to start banning things that are in the game. We'll need to wait for more people to weigh in on this however before any kind of things are set.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

Just as an addendum, I believe making the file read-only also removes your ability to use S&Q strats, if people are still doing that, since it can't write to the file. People have also been doing this to avoid having to refill the machine every so often, which I've heard has been a thing for a while.

As far as the specific overflow mechanic goes, I think it comes with some downsides, as in getting Ipecac + Toaster and being limited to only getting 99 coins once in that character run is a factor that has to be considered in doing so. I'm sure there are other things I'm not thinking of that it would limit.

Anyway, my vote (if it even gets counted) says both read-only files and donation machine overflow are valid.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

Hi, I don't run this game, but after reading this it's apparent some help is needed.

I spoke with one of the admins of and he suggested the following. Let's take the 4-char board for example. You can just rename "4 Char" to "4 Char v1.09" and set it to the "misc" categories. Then create an new "4 Char" category which will be the current version. This would preserve the patch records (assigning the categories to misc hides them behind a fold) and would let you do this indefinitely.

There is no true "archive" feature, but this does make sense to preserve what is there and keep versions separated.

eladdifficult en Skuttie vindt dit leuk
Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

I think the "1 char seeded" thing is just there for runs that don't fit anywhere else. The rules look like they were just copied based on what the run we added to it had first. I don't know if we need to have 40 different misc thing and we can fix the rules for it. Unless people want more categories. But that means people have to actually do them.

I asked the person who wanted the dark room category added to "misc" and they stated "let it be open". It was intentionally left off meaning you are "allowed" to do it. If there are people who want to do dark room runs with no sac rooms, create a post about interest for it and it'll get created.

starg09 vinden dit leuk
Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

For dark room runs I guess it would make sense to add a "no sac room" rule. First person to submit a run for it and then it'll get added.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago


  1. Is an item tracker mandatory ? ¤No, not mandatory. See my explanation above for why it's useful¤
  2. Is a timer Mandatory ? ¤No, not mandatory. See my explanation above for why it's useful¤
  3. Can a run record on local recording will do or is it mandatory to done it live on a broadcast platform ? ¤I don't see why not. If you have the entirety of the run as a local recording and upload it to youtube, there is no reason why it isn't valid. If the item tracker/timer aren't part of a local recording however I think it would make it very hard to validate the run though, since it's very easy to splice together a bunch of runs without those being part of it.¤

@shatterglasslol You can absolutely retime it afterwards. Retiming could be done that way, or you can figure out how far off you were that caused the timer to be out of sync and correct it.

Isle of Mansillypears8 years ago

I think he was asking what is valid, not where to get the tracker :)

While I don't think it's "required" I believe having a timer on screen + item tracker makes validating the run for everyone easier as the seeds can be tested and time is easy to track (doesn't require a retime apart from maybe adding/removing from the start/end).

If you submit a sub 1 hour 7 char run with no timer and no item tracker ( for seed verification ) it will be scrutinized heavily seeing as how people had been stuck at the 1:30-1:40 time for a long while.

Over sillypears
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