Germanyshenef1 year ago

(For some reason the official thread is only available to supporters. IMO non-supporters should also be allowed to give feedback.)

My feedback: It simply doesn't work. Clicking on the name brings me to the profile. Clicking on the image does nothing. Can reproduce it on the latest stable and beta versions of firefox, chrome and edge on Win 10 and 11.

If that is the intended functionality for non-supporters, then that has not been communicated at all.

Other than that i can't really say anything about the feature other than that i'm saddened that we have yet another source of visual noise and CPU resource waste. On one of the PCs i regularly use, the site now uses 30% of my CPU when reading a news article. (Isolated usage by closing all other programs and comparing an empty tab to the Popover announcement news article.)

And as a person that already constantly struggles with visual noise thanks to ADHD and ASD, it's getting harder and harder to read anything on this website cause there is so much movement and blinking everywhere. I would have stopped using the site long ago if it weren't for Ad Blockers and CSS injection / Userscripts to remove those sources of noise.

en Liv vindt dit leuk
Germanyshenef1 year ago

I know it's been requested many times already but it would be nice to get a reply from an Elo Entertainment Inc. employee IF there are any plans to bring back that feature at any point in time.

Of course there is @Meta as a Community Manager but they are obviously only available during the times where they are awake and might not be available for a variety of other reasons.

I'm sure there are more than enough community members that keep up to date with the non-game specific forums and would be available to delete spam etc. given the necessary permissions and a ruleset on what action to take in what situation. And i'm sure many of these community members would even do that without any monetary compensation.

(In the image, "vor 1 Tag" = 1 Day ago)

EXPL en gnrts vindt dit leuk
Germanyshenef1 year ago

Cause I guess we are obligated to do that.

CyanWes, Ivory, en YUMmy_Bacon5 vindt dit leuk
Germanyshenef3 years ago

Yesterday I have received an email from support@speedrun.com [quote]Hello,

Thank you for contacting support for Speedrun.com. For information pursuant to Article 15 GDPR, feel free to download it through the Export Data tab in user settings. If you have any questions related to information collection, processing, and transference, our Speedrun.com TOS and Speedrun.com Privacy Policy include our current processes and policies.

Cheers, Speedrun.com Support Team[/quote]

I'm not a legal expert, so I can't really check if they actually conform with the GDPR. But at least it's something.

There are some weird and interesting things in there. Some could be for new or old features~~, but some just seem ... wrong? For example, there are runs listed where I'm certain that I have never viewed, verified, rejected, or submitted them.~~ This has been fixed. Here is a dump of my export (with some stuff censored): https://haste.thevillage.chat/ifofilafed.json

Quivico, Cytruss en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
Germanyshenef4 years ago

I think it's a genre that's notoriously hard to route since it can have many mechanics that can have a widespread influence. For example choosing a weapon, using an item, leveling up and then distributing skill points into stats, learning skills or resistances from enemies or bosses. What are common concepts and tipps that help for routing and can be applied to a wide variety of RPG games? What data should you collect?

Germanyshenef4 years ago

Hi! I created a Stylus theme for srcom! Stylus is a browser extension that allows you to modify the Stylesheets (CSS) of a website. You can find the style here: https://gist.github.com/shenef/3dd4b99e74882873d7fb45cb5549f5b1

Comparison images: https://imgur.com/a/x5Z01C7

Features | design changes | fixes | improvements:

  • adjustable settings for the maximum page width, video height, profile picture size and forum post width
  • the load more games button on the games page is not moving anymore while game images are still loading
  • long drop down menus, for example in the variable selector or some misc category lists, now have a scrollbar
  • better wide screen support
  • if your screen is wide enough multiple rows of categories or sub-categories collapse back into one row
  • larger and better visible game name on leaderboards
  • leaderboard content is now aligned to the left
  • videos on run pages are larger (they use 87% of the screen height so you can still see the category, time, etc below the video)
  • the end of the messages page doesn't touch the bottom of the screen anymore
  • better scroll bar
  • better audit log layout
  • several small UI fixes


  • Statistics get too large on wide screens since they dynamically scale with the screen width. Since they are in a canvas element i can't even fix that.

How to use this:

  1. install the stylus extension for chrome or firefox https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylus/clngdbkpkpeebahjckkjfobafhncgmne https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/styl-us/
  2. open speedrun.com, click on the extension and in "write a style for" select "speedrun.com"
  3. copy/paste the contents of the gist and hit save

Keep in mind that changes on the site can break parts of the theme. If you have any suggestions or issues you can contact me on discord or comment here or on the gist.

SuperAL1, Symystery en 3 anderen vindt dit leuk
Germanyshenef5 years ago

there is a cheat menu available in the game that allows changing settings like amount of laps, pickups or unlimited gears There are also some extra codes that unlock for example "Always Turbo Start" https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps/481101-hot-wheels-extreme-racing/cheats

Germanyshenef5 years ago

You have done a run but there is no leaderboard for that category (yet)? Just post it here!

Germanyshenef6 years ago

Hey everyone, the Discord link seems to be broken, has the Discord been deleted or was it just not set to "Never Expire"?

Over shenef
Not sure what the point of this Biography section is. You can already see my socials, runs and pronouns in my profile.
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