topic: The Site
Wisconsin, USApurplephoton5 years ago

This was completely unnecessary; the site looked fine, and now it's horrible. GJ

Rithek, BlitzPhoenix98 en 9 anderen vindt dit leuk
Wisconsin, USApurplephoton6 years ago

I'm a bit confused what you mean by this? You mean the video is laggy?

Pear vinden dit leuk
Wisconsin, USApurplephoton6 years ago

A good starting point is to look at this table: The FFF0 column represents DHWW. On the right hand side is where to set Farore's Wind (the area, and which entrance to that area), and the left side tells you where that warp will take you (area and from which entrance).

Note that by using Farore's Wind, you preserve the coordinates of the entrance that you set it at, and so you are not guaranteed to land in bounds. For certain DHWW's, you can actually go directly to certain areas with directly using FW, such as placing FW in market, warping back in DH to take you to market, and then going through the loading zone towards Hyrule Field to take you to Shadow Temple.

Certain warps also result in a black screen when arriving at the area. You can throw a deku nut to regain visibility if you wish; most of these areas are not useful to go to though, only for fun (such as a beta DMC, for instance).

erinexplosives en GraniteSundae vindt dit leuk
Wisconsin, USApurplephoton6 years ago

Extremely old, used in basically every category. If you had watched a run you'd know that.

Wisconsin, USApurplephoton6 years ago

The GIM that any% does to get a bottle will crash on iQue. Using Deku Sticks as Adult will also crash on iQue, so the optimal 100% route does not work either. iQue is effectively N64 1.2 with slower resets but no lag, so it has no version exclusive tricks, making it not really useful for speedruns, outside of maybe glitchless.

Wisconsin, USApurplephoton7 years ago

Getting bombchus from Gerudo Training Grounds is probably fastest, then you can probably skip bombs and wrong warp from Deku to credits.

Audiokillers vinden dit leuk
Wisconsin, USApurplephoton7 years ago

Don't worry so much about comparing to other runners. A "decent time" is one that's better than your previous time.

Pear, Zychuu, en Tigame vindt dit leuk
topic: The Site
Wisconsin, USApurplephoton8 years ago

Hello. Jumping in on the train of people requesting name changes to match Twitch name changes!

Can you please change my name to "purplephoton"?


vinden dit leuk
Wisconsin, USApurplephoton8 years ago

Start from new file and end at picking up the Master Sword.

Wisconsin, USApurplephoton8 years ago

There's a chance that a half-game category such as Master Sword RTA or Defeat Yuga in Hyrule Castle could be added, but the problem with these two possibilities is that their optimal routes are actually very different from full game any%. In both of these runs, the optimal route completely skips going to Zora's Domain, as the Flippers are not needed to enter House of Gales (, and Pegasus Boots are not worth the detour for the time they save. Master Sword RTA doesn't even have to beat Sanctuary, as Hyrule Castle does not need to be entered.

If there's enough interest, we could consider adding one of these categories though, more likely Master Sword RTA.

Wisconsin, USApurplephoton9 years ago

Yes, ALBW has bingo.

Doubt anyone's actually interested in a bingo league...

Wisconsin, USApurplephoton9 years ago

I have two things to say regarding the tournament:

Firstly, addressing the race last night between Zaheer and Giga... I don't even know who should win. I realize that Giga said that Zaheer won, so I don't think we should have to switch the results and have Giga win, but at the same time I did explicitly tell Zaheer that SRL race timing is the official timing for the tournament, so he could have been more careful in typing .done. The problem I'm having is that I don't want to use non-SRL race timing for the tourney, but that's what's happening because Giga said Zaheer won.

I'll think about this more and let you all know what I think later. One thing that won't happen is a rematch.

Secondly, addressing finals... I've decided what the format will be. The first race will between the winner's winner and the loser's winner will be a 2 of 3; if the loser wins the set, then the true final will just be a fourth game, and the winner of that game will win the tourney. So, basically, it's a 4 game set, and the winner's winner has to win 2, while the loser's winner must win 3.

Wisconsin, USApurplephoton9 years ago

Here are details and clarifications about the tournament. I'll close sign-up on Wednesday, and starting 24 hours before the tournament starts on Friday afternoon eastern time, you need to check-in. To do this, just go to the tournament page and do whatever you need to do (I don't actually what this is, but it's probably just clicking a button saying that you're ready for the tournament or something simple like that.)

Once the tournament starts, you should contact whoever you are facing and setup a time to race. Races should be conducted on SRL and do not need to only be 1 v 1; for example, multiple matches can take place in the same race. In fact, anyone is allowed to join the race EXCEPT for people participating in the tournament who are not facing off against their opponent: if you participate in an ALBW any% race on SRL during the tournament that does not actually count for the tournament, you will be forced to forfeit your next match.

Once you finish your match, report the results here on this thread or to me on twitter @TRJeff621 if you do not have a account. I expect each round to take no more than 24 hours, so you should play about one match per day, but feel free to play several rounds ahead if you already know who your next opponent will be. If a match does not happen within 48 hours of when a round begins, then both any players who caused the match not to be played will be disqualified unless I am notified in advance. If something comes up and you will be gone for several days, then we will try to work around that, but anything that will make you unavailable for a week for longer will most likely disqualify you.

For all intents and purposes, we will only time to the second. If the times are within 1 second of each other according to the timers, then you will race again. For example, 1:33:44.51 and 1:33:45.27 are tied, even though the seconds are different. Runs should only be retimed if both runners have recorded their runs; if runs are retimed, and they are still within 1 second of each other, then you will race again. In the rematch, if you tie again, the lower seed will advance for the sake of moving the tournament forward.

If anyone has a serious object to the guidelines I've set forth, please let me know before you check-in. By checking-in, you agree to all the guidelines listed here. That being said, this tournament is a fun event, and I hope you all enjoy it to the fullest.

Wisconsin, USApurplephoton9 years ago

Hey everyone! I'm hosting an ALBW any% tournament over on challonge. It is an any% double elimination tournament open to players of all skill levels.

Over purplephoton
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