Join the Puyo Speedrun discord for discussion with other runners
With the massive changes upcoming, if the new update significantly changes how wyrmprints and weapons are in a way that it would no longer be possible to copy a speedrun that you submit, said speedrun will be deleted.
Of course, if the new system doesn’t significantly impact how the game can be played, your runs will still be valid.
You can ask questions if need be here
Now that someone actually did a run and submitted it to the wrong category, can we get a new category for this?
Beginner's Tetris should have categories
JazzySpinalFusion's Beginner's Marathon run is in the wrong category. It should be in All Clear Sprint
Evil Lord 30(Neo) Princess 30(Neo) Knight 30(Neo) Pretty self-explanatory, just beat the level in neo mode. Timed with in-game time on result screen. I would also suggest Hard modes for these categories and Hero 300 as misc categories.
All Stories% Retro All Stories% Neo Beat Hero 30, Evil Lord 30, Princess 30, Knight 30, Hero 300, and Hero 3. Timing would start on Hero 30 name selection and end on Hero 3 result screen. Timed with real time.
Is using Citra allowed? And if so, are we forced to play the most recent update with it?
Can we change timing to be at Prologue start instead of name selection? It’s impossible to beat any records now with this DL time.(You still have to show the tutorial and the update download)