norris_h_duke2 years ago

Also for Linux there's like 3 links which do I click btw I'm using top ceed os

norris_h_duke2 years ago

If I download Minecraft bedrock for Linux can it run on a raspberry pi 3 model b?

norris_h_duke2 years ago


cheg, landus en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
norris_h_duke2 years ago

Dream is better because he's really good at doing a Minecraft Speedrun also he's hot

landus vinden dit leuk
norris_h_duke2 years ago

today at school my friend said she didn’t like dream. i was so angry. i got up in front of the class and said “you may not like dream, but he saved my life. i was at the lowest point in my life but his channel saved me. sorry if that’s not good enough for you.” and then everyone started to slowly clap and my teacher made her go to guidance. my teacher held me after class and said “i love dream too.” needless to say, i got an A+ in that class.

norris_h_duke2 years ago

If u don't get the run times to they 1/10 of a second it gets rejected sry🙄

norris_h_duke2 years ago

U see we would but we're all homophobic

cheg, landus, en Merl_ vindt dit leuk
norris_h_duke3 years ago

When I type slh is the suggested word to come up is trans what????

aiajty vinden dit leuk
norris_h_duke3 years ago

Would it be illegal to make a slh smitch fanfic that's nsfw no pictures just story

Loma_Mincrft, Merl_, en TrenttheN642 vindt dit leuk
norris_h_duke3 years ago

@smitch based and homophobic pls educate yourself

norris_h_duke3 years ago

Ok commands definitely no maybe no commands just creative but if that was the category the whole category is just who can one cycle the fastest and portal building mechanics

norris_h_duke3 years ago

It really sucks that console can't do icarus or start In nether I think creative mode should be allowed on console to get the items or enter the nether but this might bring In a cheating issue/timing issue if any mods think there's a possiblity of something like this happening pls let me now

norris_h_duke3 years ago

I think visuals run should be verified because the water In no way affected his gameplay to get a better time if he was doing something like hyper modern that would of been different but he still shouldn't use a clear water pack and he should avoid that in the future

X31X39 en Visual_Replayz vindt dit leuk
topic: Terraria
norris_h_duke3 years ago

I think console should have it's own category of runs or maybe a whole new game for console if this can't happen maybe when cross platform comes to Terraria then we can have console as a category cause technically there two different games idk I just want I way to speedrun Terrria on console

FireFoxs vinden dit leuk
norris_h_duke3 years ago

Hi guys so y'all might have realized my discord account has been deleted and what happened was my mom found my discord and one of the the group chats I had with my freinds was well let's just say not so sfw not cp but us joking about stuff that's nsfw so yeah everything ok I won't have discord for a longggggg time btw very happy that 1.16.100+ is a category now

Steph_T vinden dit leuk
norris_h_duke3 years ago is ibxtoycats ip😳

Loma_Mincrft, TrenttheN642, en 1 vindt dit leuk
norris_h_duke3 years ago

hey can i you verify a bedrock speedrun?

Loma_Mincrft, Ivory en 2 anderen vindt dit leuk
Over norris_h_duke
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4 years ago
4 months ago
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