As always " if a decent amount of people do runs and post them on this forum" I will make the category, simple as that. People always ask for new categories but never do runs. If you want to run it go ahead, you don't need a leaderboard to speedrun. And at the end of the day since there is enough interest, as I said, just post some runs and I'l add the category. Also it would probably work as an IL.
Friendly reminder more than 1 year later this is still not fixed....
Due to the growth of the game as a speedrun, applications are open. We do not currently require an extra moderator but it would be helpful to expand the team. Thus, depending on applications, we may accept nobody or more than one person. Please fill out this form if you are looking to apply:
In most speedruns, timing ends when you lose control of your character. Also the tutorial doesn't technically end until "complete" pops up. FYI you can personally time your run in whatever way you want. The specific timing is only needed when submitting a run to these boards.
Sounds good.
It's up to runners to decide at the end of the day, but I think allowing amp is a good idea.
Please refer to the other forum post for this subject, I have posted an official response there.
Generally, if people wanna run something legit, if they post their run I make it into a category (unless its something absurd like that Lucio run post).
Personally, I really like the idea of a "true all stories". I would recommend having the tutorial and the no prior save only for the "true all stories." That way current all stories categories can stay as they are, and as they have been working out over the years.
As the tutorial is part of the main game as a prologue I believe it would thematically fit into the run. However, in my opinion, it should only be required to be done once at the start, not every time you starts one of the three stories (I'm assuming that is what was meant by adding it in, but I just want to make sure.
As for requirements, basically reports, only Terra's mirage arena one would seem like something annoying to get. However I do believe a "true all stories" run should reflect the "true" entire game, and that would include getting the reports. We should definitely discuss this further though, as it can definitely be annoying to have to get the report on Terra.
Just as one small detail, I would personally recommend to keep the all stories category as is in term of not removing standard and proud as difficulties, for purposes of consistency if anything else. But that's just a minor detail.
Gonna give my opinion on this real quick, in my opinion if somebody runs something, as long as its not as arbitrary as lets say "Aqua proud blizzard only without being allowed to equip high jump" it should be added. If the run is reasonable and not extremely arbitrary then there shouldn't be a problem. Example, Mirage Arena RTA. The rules are incredibly specific and weird and it only has one runner, but does that mean it shouldn't be on the lbs? In my opinion it should. The boards should server not only as competitive leader-boards but also as a collection of different runs, assuming its not anything too weird.
Time is up, at this point delete runs is in the lead. Thus, all runs that use the glitch will be deleted, and glitch will be banned for future submissions.
I think the community should decide what will happen with the category board. I have created a strawpoll, please vote here
The results will be tallied in 48 hours, uprising speedrun submissions will not be verified until then. For the record the category will stay up even after the event is over, just as a showcase for the runs.
Thank you all for your understanding.
Alright, I added in difficulty. Gonna also add normal uprising as a non misc category.
I will add in difficulties if people run them. There is no reason to have empty categories that nobody will ever run. Also gonna do the setup in a few hours when I get home.
Please post a run on this forum, and I'll add it in. To be noted, since it's a multiplayer event AND is limited time, it will be treated as a misc. category for all purposes.
Please start timer when the timer runs out in character select. Ends on the first frame of victory. Also feel free to submit IGT but run will be based off real time.